A snow-covered mountain range, in front of it a green meadow with trees and bushes

Promoting transboundary climate risk management in Central Asia

Regional Program Climate Risk Management in Central Asia

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country

    Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan

    Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan

  • Political sponsors


    Kyrgyzstan - Ministry of Ecology and natural resources, Kazakhstan - Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Tajikistan - State Committee on Environmental Protection, Turkmenistan - Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Uzbekistan - Ministry of Ecology Environmental Protection and Climate Change

  • Runtime

    2022 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, management of natural resources

A glacial mountain lake.


Latest reports estimate that mountain glaciers in Central Asia will continue to shrink due to climate change. If global warming continues to exceed two degrees Celsius every year, East and West Central Asia will be even drier by the middle of the 21st century. This will damage the ecosystem’s integrity in general and problems with water supply, energy production, agricultural and forestry production will occur. Therefore, governments of neighbouring countries need to work together to address shared risks and coordinate their responses.


Transboundary climate and disaster risk management in Central Asia is improved.


The project team provides expertise to water basin organisations and stakeholders from selected water basin councils, national emergency and hydrometeorological institutions and to the regional disaster management centre. Through this the project aims to enhance their capacity in tackling transboundary water-related climate risks and improving preparedness to disasters.

A group of people in front of a panelled wall.
  • Within local communities, the project conducts climate-risk assessments at selected small interstate watersheds in Central Asian countries. These are carried out using an inclusive and participatory approach.
  • In the Central Asian countries, the project works with relevant government ministries and agencies responsible for water resources management, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. The focus is on enabling these entities to develop and implement robust policies and plans related to water management and disaster risk reduction that are resilient to climate impacts.
  • In the region, it facilitates knowledge exchange and coordination among the participating countries. Support is provided in the formulation of regional policies and strategies to promote climate-resilient water resources management and disaster risk reduction.
A group of people speaking at a conference.

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