Regional projects and programmes
- Promoting the circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Climate and Energy Partnership Uruguay-Alemania
- SICA: Making direct use of geothermal energy in Central America
- Integrated management of the cross-border river basin of the Rio Libón in the Dominican Republic and Haiti
- Produktion von Ölpflanzen und Vermarktung natürlichen Pflanzenöls als Treibstoffersatz für Diesel in Peru und Honduras
- Creating inclusive and sustainable cities
- Enabling access to climate-friendly energy supply
- SICA: Promoting youth employment and resilience in Central America
- SICA: Creating prospects in their home countries for children and young people at risk of displacement
- Poverty reduction through the sustainable use of natural resources in the cross-border river basin of the Rio Artibonito
- Indigenous Intercultural University
- Supraregional HIV/AIDS Control in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa
- Encouraging climate adaptation through sustainable infrastructure audits in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Enhancing governmental oversight to combat corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Expanding access to justice
- Promoting democracy, the rule of law and women’s rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
- SICA: Good Financial Governance in Central America
- Better access to insurance in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Evaluation Capacity Development in Latin America (FOCEVAL)
- Triangular Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean: International Competence Building
- Building institutional capacity at the Ibero-American Federation of Ombudsmen (FIO)
- Strengthening of Indigenous Organisations in Latin America
- Regional Fund for Triangular Cooperation with Partners in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Reducing inequalities worldwide
- Regional Fund for Triangular Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Responsible mining contributes to economic development in Latin America
- Protecting pollinating insects in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Promoting low-carbon and climate-resilient development in Argentina
- SICA: Promoting ideas on Green Recovery in Central America and the Dominican Republic
- SICA: Urban Resilience: Strengthening disaster risk management in Central American metropolitan regions
- SICA: Preventing plastic waste in Central America and the Caribbean
- SICA: Protecting biodiversity in Central America and the Dominican Republic through business partnerships
- SICA: Protecting the Selva Maya rainforest
- SICA: Forest landscape restauration (Green Development Fund/REDD+ Landscape)
- Biodiversity conservation and local development in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor
- Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilisation and management of biological diversity
- National accounting systems to monitor the reduction contributions of Non-Annex I Parties (BMUB)
- SICA: Strengthening the involvement of the private sector in biodiversity conservation
- Using climate-friendly cooling in a warming world
- Euroclima – Promoting a ‘Green and Just Transition’ in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Global initiative on disaster risk management (Phase II)
- Conserving biodiversity in Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru
- REDD Early Movers
- Strengthening the regional digital economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Deepening digital cooperation between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean
- Gender-equitable economic development through an improved care economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Improving technical and vocational education and training in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Shaping the future transformatively: overcoming the COVID-19 crisis through inclusive and sustainable development
- Cooperation Platform for Northern Latin America (COPLAN)
- Supporting Regional and National Institutions in the Implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
- Sustainable economic development in Central America (completed)
- Support for implementing the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Innovation and Leadership Development – Fresh Perspectives on Global Change Processes
- Gender-Oriented Labour Market Policy
- SICA: Support for the monitoring of biodiversity and climate change in the Selva Maya (BMU) (completed)
- SICA: Conservation and sustainable use of the Selva Maya (completed)
- SICA: Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (completed)
- SICA: Preventing youth violence in Central America (completed)
- SICA: Promoting A Regional Energy Market in Central America (completed)
- Global Alliances for Social Protection (completed)