Deepening digital cooperation between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean
EU-LAC High-level Policy Dialogue on Digital Policy and Regulations
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union (EU)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2025
e-Governance Academy (eGA), Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (FIIAPP), Expertise France (EF)
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment
In light of the digital transformation, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) as well as Europe are facing an increasing number of global challenges, such as cyberattacks and digital inequality. Close cooperation between like-minded partners is required in order to overcome these challenges.
Despite the promising efforts being made to achieve digital cooperation between LAC and the European Union (EU), the two regions lack the aligned political and regulatory conditions that are needed to promote efficient and coordinated digital development.

The EU and LAC jointly agree to align regulatory and political conditions for inclusive and sustainable digital strategies to promote digital transformation along common values and interests.
As part of the Team Europe Initiative ‘EU-LAC Digital Alliance’, the project brings together government and stakeholder representatives from both regions to address the topics of cybersecurity, connectivity and inclusion, e-governance, data governance and artificial intelligence.
- To this end, the project organises policy dialogues at which priorities are established and cooperation agreements reached.
- Over and above this, the project offers a platform for the regions to exchange proven procedures and solutions. At the same time, it implements pilot projects to develop and promote the relevant skills.
- In a close exchange with national, subregional and regional actors, the project promotes existing digital mechanisms and strategies to support their further development
The project is implemented by public-sector partners from Spain, Estonia, Germany and France in close cooperation with the LAC partners. They also work closely with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Last update: August 2024