SICA: Protecting biodiversity in Central America and the Dominican Republic through business partnerships
Project description
Title: Business Cooperation and Biodiversity in Central America and Dominican Republic (DaBio II)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union
Country: Dominican Republic and Central America (Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador)
Lead executing agency: Central American Integration System
Overall term: 2019 to 2025

The biodiversity in Central America accounts for eight per cent of the world’s biodiversity. It has come under threat from uncontrolled agricultural expansion and insufficiently varied farming methods. In addition, agriculture and urbanisation are polluting the soil, bodies of water and coastal areas. The shrinking of ecosystems also amplifies the effects of climate change.
The private sector in Central America and the Dominican Republic contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in terrestrial and marine ecosystems in collaboration with stakeholders from the government, scientific community and civil society.

The project advises the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) of the Central American Integration System (SICA). The aim is to consider strategic cooperation with the private sector with regards to biodiversity in regional environmental strategies and policies.
The project also supports regional and national business networks in expanding their range of services in the area of biodiversity. This means the networks can provide expertise and knowledge of tools, as well as advise companies on how to integrate biodiversity into their activities. Developing tools which promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity draws companies’ attention to the importance of biodiversity. It also enables them to include biodiversity aspects in their strategies to a greater extent.
Another key part of the project is building partnerships with the private sector and multi-stakeholder partnerships. They serve to protect biodiversity, access to genetic resources and equitable benefit sharing, as well as ecosystem-based adaptation. These alliances allow to tackle these issues in a more systematic manner and anchor them in policy and society. A main implementation partner of the project is the regional business network INTEGRARSE.
Last updated: March 2022