Regional projects and programmes
- Promoting sustainable aquatic food
- Supporting experts and institutions to advise on land policies across Africa
- Promoting organic farming and agroecology in Africa
- Food and nutrition security, enhanced resilience to food crises
- Conserving and rehabilitating soil to promote food security and climate protection
- Agribusiness Facility for Africa: promoting investments of small rural entrepreneurs
- More fish and income from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
- Cross-Border Collaboration Programme Western Ethiopia/ Eastern Sudan
- Improvement of the nutrition situation in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Green innovation centres for the agriculture and food sector
- Sustainable Smallholder Agribusiness in Western and Central Africa
- High-quality rice for Africa
- Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
- CREM: Regional cooperation in the water sector in the Maghreb
- Competitive Cashew Initiative (ComCashew) (completed)
- Support to the Central African Forest Commission (SP-COMIFAC)
- Support to Hydro-diplomacy in the Nile Basin
- Promoting a climate-friendly electricity market in West Africa
- Supporting Africa’s transport transformation
- Protecting water as a scarce resource in Southern Africa
- Promoting electric mobility in Cabo Verde
- Institutional partnerships improve medical care in Africa
- Expanding the Green People’s Energy initiative in rural regions
- Support to transboundary water cooperation in the Nile Basin
- Supporting hydro diplomacy in the Nile Basin
- Conserving biodiversity in the Nile Basin transboundary wetlands
- Enabling access to climate-friendly energy supply
- International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP) (completed)
- International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP)
- Energy efficiency in the construction sector in the Mediterranean (MED-ENEC)
- Transboundary Water Management in SADC: Protecting a scarce resource in Southern Africa
- Transboundary Water Management in the Congo Basin
- Transboundary water management in the Niger basin
- Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Great Lakes Region
- From barriers to bridges – Creating peaceful and resilient borderlands
- Facilitating labour migration and free movement in Africa
- Promoting social cohesion and the peaceful use of natural resources
- Civil Peace Service: Peace work and civil society networks in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
- Improving migration and displacement policies in the Horn of Africa
- Supporting the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
- Support for the African Peace and Security Architecture
- Expanding police cooperation between the G5 Sahel states
- The ECCAS Border Programme: promoting border governance and regional cooperation
- Strengthening the capacities of the Indian Ocean Rim Association with a focus on disaster risk management, maritime safety and the blue economy
- Support to the African Union for the Operationalisation of The African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) (completed)
- Support to the ECOWAS Commission in the areas of peace and security
- Support to the Research and Training Programme of the African Union in the Area of Peace and Security
- Border Governance: Support to the African Union Border Programme
- Supporting pandemic prevention in the ECOWAS region
- Promoting safe, orderly and regular migration from and within the Horn of Africa
- Supporting police work in Africa
- Strengthening biosecurity worldwide
- Supporting pandemic prevention in western Africa
- Advancing gender equality and social justice in Africa
- Promoting equality through the power of sport
- Provide protection for displaced children and young people and enable access to education and inclusion opportunities
- Improving health in Africa with data linked in an intelligent manner
- Research networks that support health care
- Better preparedness in the East African Community region
- African-German Youth Initiative (AGYI)
- Institutional university and hospital partnerships strengthen health care facilities
- Supporting education in Africa with digital bridges
- Realising the rights of people with disabilities in Africa
- Facilitating labour migration and free movement in Africa
- Supporting African think tanks and policy advice
- Improving regional integration in Southern Africa
- Supporting the ECOWAS Commission on Organisational Development
- City-to-City cooperation Maghreb-Germany (KWT II)
- Citizen engagement and innovative data use for Africa’s development (Data-Cipation)
- Preventing Gender-Based Violence in Southern Africa
- Promotion of the rule of law and the judiciary in Africa
- Sharing knowledge on municipal development (KWT I)
- Employment of young women through applied Gender Diversity Management in the MENA region
- Promoting women in the Maghreb
- Promoting transparent and responsible use of public finances in Africa
- Support for peace, security and good governance in the SADC region
- Regional resource governance in fragile states of West Africa
- Promoting the rule of law and justice in West Africa
- Support to the African Union on migration and displacement (completed)
- Strengthening municipal structures – Maghreb (completed)
- Climate-friendly and energy-efficient cooling in South-East Asia
- Promoting carbon finance for green air conditioners with heat pump function
- Adapting the Sahel region and the Congo Basin to climate change impacts
- Strengthening resource management in the W-Arly-Pendjari Complex region
- Managing and protecting the Benguela Current marine ecosystem
- Protecting natural resources across borders
- Enabling forest landscape restoration in Africa
- Promoting climate-friendly refrigeration technology in Western and Central Africa
- Restoring forest landscapes in Africa
- Supporting efforts to protect the forests of the Congo Basin
- Climate-adapted use of natural resources
- Coastal and marine protection in the Western Indian Ocean region and promotion of an inclusive and sustainable blue economy
- Managing natural resources sustainably, promoting economic growth
- Protecting the WAP biosphere reserve
- Adaptation to climate change in the agricultural sector of southern Africa
- Working with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to increase drought resilience in the Horn of Africa
- REDD Early Movers
- Achieving a low-emission economy with climate and energy strategies
- Transboundary Biosphere Reserve in the Mono Delta (BMUB)
- Concepts for sustainable waste management
- Regional network for integrated waste management in the MENA region
- Protecting transboundary natural resources
- Network of demonstration activities for sustainable integrated wastewater treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean
- Adapting the framework for forestry policy to meet the needs of climate change in the MENA region
- Supporting African innovators to develop gender-responsive, environmentally friendly and research-based solutions
- Promoting data-based digital innovations in Africa
- Supporting the 15 ECOWAS member states in promoting free trade through the implementation of AfCFTA
- Promoting e-commerce in Africa
- Employment promotion for women for the green transformation in Africa (WE4D)
- Promoting digitalisation for enhanced trade and integration in East Africa
- Stronger economic relations in Southern Africa
- Efficiently managing local tax revenues from the extractive sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Support to East African Integration
- Green Infrastructure Corridors for Intra-African Trade (PIDA)
- Promoting jobs for young people
- Implementing the reform agenda for trade and competitiveness in South East Europe
- WIDU.africa online platform: Promoting direct investment in Africa
- Promoting occupational prospects for young Africans
- Digital Skills for Businesses in East Africa
- Quality generates trade
- Facilitating Trade in West Africa
- Support for skills development centres in Eritrea
- Stronger economic relations in Southern Africa
- Promoting Employment and Trade in the Mediterranean region
- Promoting employment in Africa through public-private cooperation
- Innovation and Leadership Development – Fresh Perspectives on Global Change Processes
- Working with the private sector for sustainable impact
- Economic integration of women in the MENA region (EconoWin)
- PPP Fund for cooperation with companies in Mano River Union countries (completed)