A doctor placing a used syringe in a box for the disposal of medical waste. © GIZ

Supporting pandemic prevention in western Africa

Support for pandemic prevention in the ECOWAS region

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) 

  • Country

    Regional cooperation: Nigeria and Ghana

  • Runtime

    2025 to 2026

  • Involved

    The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, and in particular the West African Health Organization (WAHO), the Regional Center for Surveillance and Disease Control (RCSDC) and the Regional Animal Health Centre (RAHC)

  • Products and expertise

    Social development


Infectious diseases transmitted from animals to humans (zoonoses) and environment-related health risks are widespread in western Africa and pose a major challenge. Coordinated measures for animal, environmental and human health – known as the One Health approach – are the key to effectively controlling disease outbreaks.

However, this approach is not sufficiently developed within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which hampers effective regional prevention and control measures and puts public health at risk.

Partners sitting together during a workshop and looking at a laptop.© GIZ


The One Health approach, which is designed to improve pandemic prevention and preparedness, is gradually expanded and established throughout the ECOWAS region.

Participants in a regional workshop on highly pathogenic avian influenza sitting at tables in a conference room.© GIZ


The project supports the ECOWAS Commission, the West African Health Organization (WAHO), the Regional Center for Surveillance and Disease Control (RCSDC), the Regional Animal Health Centre (RAHC) and the Directorate of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in developing a stronger regional system to prevent and respond to pandemics.

The project has the following priorities:

  • It improves regional and national health institutions’ capacity for digital surveillance and control of infectious diseases in the region using the Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System (SORMAS).
  • It ensures the One Health coordination platform is operational and can implement the regional ECOWAS One Health strategy.
  • It creates better conditions to enable the ECOWAS Member States to actively participate in gender-sensitive pandemic prevention, preparedness and response measures. These include efficient risk communication measures to ensure long-term use of the One Health approach.

Last update: February 2025

Screenshot of the SORMAS user dashboard

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