Promoting employment in Africa through public-private cooperation
Project description
Title: Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the companies Sasol and Quoniam Asset Management
Country: Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda
Partner: Olam Ghana Limited; Samsung Electronics West Africa Ltd; Acacia EPZ Ltd.; Equity Bank; Kenya Association of Manufacturers; Appload, Botanica; Creative Contracts; Imperial Health Sciences/ Unjani Clinics NPC; Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce (JCCI); Standard Bank Group; Vodacom Pty Ltd.; Jumeme Rural Power Supply Ltd.; Absa Group Limited; Stanbic Bank; UGACOF Limited; Ugandan Manufacturers Association; Kenya Commercial Bank Foundation (selection)
Lead executing agency: Ghana, Mozambique and South Africa: Ministry of Trade and Industry/Department of Trade and Industry in South Africa; Kenya: Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development; Uganda: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development; Tanzania: Prime Minister’s Office Labour, Youth, Employment and Persons with Disability.
Overall term: 2015 to 2023

Economic growth, infrastructure development and a growing young population offer great potential for sustainable development in Africa. Major investments have created a demand for local workers, but a lack of qualified local experts and (supplier) companies prevails. This means the population and companies are unable to fully benefit from employment and development opportunities. Since 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted investments and businesses in sub-Saharan Africa. New innovative solutions are needed that boost the local economy, secure long-term demand for jobs and maintain existing jobs. The private sector is a driving force in economic development, making it a key to any measures that create jobs and improve incomes.
Public-private cooperation has improved the employment and economic situation of job seekers, employees and companies.

E4D develops and implements public-private cooperation projects following an integrated model for employment promotion. These aim to:
- increase demand for labour across sectors such as renewable energy, tourism, agriculture, food processing, construction and transportation. Projects create opportunities for disadvantaged population groups to be integrated into value chains as employees, suppliers or sales partners.
- utilise private sector partnerships to enhance the employability of qualified workers through training courses and work placements.
- match labour supply and demand through placement in trainings for jobs.
Each project is based on partnerships with local or international companies. Some projects also involve collaboration with government agencies, non-governmental organisations, vocational schools, universities and business associations. E4D also focuses on promoting green jobs in energy efficiency, resource and waste management, ecological agriculture, aquaculture and digitalisation. Gender mainstreaming is prioritised by including measures to reach women and support women-led businesses. Successful projects are replicated to other industry sectors, regions and countries and scaled up by involving private and public partners.
Last update: Januar 2021