Regional projects and programmes
- Making agriculture in Cambodia and Viet Nam more resilient to climate change impacts
- Ecological and economic development of the Aral Sea region
- Green innovation centres for the agriculture and food sector
- Food and nutrition security, enhanced resilience to food crises
- Conserving and rehabilitating soil to promote food security and climate protection
- Improved Land Management in the Mekong Region 2
- ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (SAS)
- Promoting expertise and dialogue for an energy transition in Southeast Asia
- Promoting the transition to sustainable transport in Asia
- Supporting ASEAN’s pathway of sustainable energy development
- Building the capacity of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre)
- Decarbonising transport in Asia with a focus on China, India and Viet Nam (Project: NDC TIA)
- Promoting sustainable and climate-friendly urban mobility
- Working together for sustainable energy in the ASEAN region Phase II
- Enabling access to climate-friendly energy supply
- Moving together towards Sustainable Energy in ASEAN
- Supporting the Mekong River Commission (MRC) in improving water management
- Strategic advice on peace and development in the Middle East
- Enhancing Security Cooperation in and with Asia
- Improving the living conditions of Palestinian refugees
- Central Asia Drug Action Programme
- Strengthening biosecurity worldwide
- Facilitating Social Participation of Palestinian Refugees (FASPAR)
- Resilience for refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities in response to the protracted Syrian and Iraqi crises (completed)
- Qudra – Supporting refugees and host communities in the countries bordering Syria
- Strengthening psychosocial work
- Improving health for better education and child development
- System development in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) – Central Asia
- Supporting the ASEAN integration process through Interparliamentary Cooperation
- Cooperation with Arab Donors (CAD) (completed)
- AIPA for ASEAN Integration (AIPA4ASEAN)
- Strengthening women in decision-making in the Middle East - LEAD
- Support to Supreme Audit Institutions in Southeast Asia (ASEAN)
- Support for the ASEAN Secretariat
- Reuse of plastics from end-of-life vehicles and electronic waste in China and India
- Combating cross-border forest crime in ASEAN Member States
- Advancing cross-border cooperation for responsible fisheries management in Southeast Asia
- Driving the green energy transition in Central Asia
- Promoting environmentally responsible investments in Southeast Asia
- Protecting biodiversity in the ASEAN region
- Advancing ambitious climate actions in Southeast Asia
- Protecting coastal ecosystems in Pacific Island Countries
- Making land use in Central Asia more sustainable
- Facilitating climate-smart land use in ASEAN
- Rethinking Plastics: Circular Economy Solutions to Reduce Marine Litter (completed)
- Technology-based Adaptation to Climate Change in Rural Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
- Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation in ASEAN (SUPA)
- Ambitious climate policy in the countries of South-East and Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia
- Global initiative on disaster risk management (Phase II)
- Capacity development for climate policy in the Western Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- Protection of biodiversity in the ASEAN member states
- REDD Early Movers
- Achieving a low-emission economy with climate and energy strategies
- Using climate-friendly cooling in a warming world
- Developing and using experiences in implementing REDD+ in the Himalayas (BMUB)
- Coping with climate change in the Pacific island region
- Promoting an environmentally friendly, social and competitive textile and clothing industry in Asia
- Promoting climate-sensitive agricultural value chains in ASEAN (ASEAN AgriTrade)
- Implementing joint development projects with Asian donor countries in the Global South
- Developing TVET in ASEAN member states to meet the re-quirements of a changing world of work
- Just labour market policy and TVET support a digital and sustainable economic transformation in Southeast Asia
- Improving regional structures to promote small and medium-sized enterprises in ASEAN
- Promotion of competition in ASEAN
- Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia
- Promoting Employment and Trade in the Mediterranean region
- Facilitating Trade in Agricultural Goods in ASEAN
- Trade facilitation in Central Asia
- Support to Regional Trade in Central Asia
- Innovation and Leadership Development – Fresh Perspectives on Global Change Processes
- Regional Economic Integration of Laos into ASEAN, Trade and Entrepreneurship Development (RELATED)
- Promoting climate risk insurance in three Southeast Asian countries (Viet Nam, Indonesia, and the Philippines)
- Economic Integration of Women in the MENA Region (EconoWin) (completed)
- Modernising vocational education and training in the food processing sector