Collage of four photos with people from GIZ projects

Corporate reports

GIZ provides the general public with data and documents illustrating what it does and the results and impacts it achieves. It also publishes facts and figures relating to its business activities and its workforce and maintains an in-depth exchange of information with its partners outside Germany, its commissioning parties and its cooperation partners.

By publishing information, GIZ also fosters an exchange of knowledge and experience with other international cooperation institutions, universities and research facilities, private businesses, industrial associations and foundations.

Below we have listed the various corporate reports we publish. All of these reports can be downloaded.

German only – English version coming soon

This Sustainability Report provides information on how we comply with our corporate sustainability principles in the four dimensions social responsibility, ecological balance, political participation and economic capability by means of key figures and examples. It will be published every two years and integrates the Communication on Progress to the UN Global Compact and the environmental report.

The United Nations Global Compact (GC) aims to encourage corporate responsibility. Businesses undertake to voluntarily accept social and environmental responsibility and to translate into practice ten principles from the fields of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption. As a member of the Global Compact, and a company whose work is geared across the board to international cooperation for sustainable development, GIZ is committed to upholding these principles. In its GC Progress Report GIZ lays out how it is meeting its voluntary commitments in terms of measures and outputs.

In 2009 the German Government adopted the Public Corporate Governance Code, which lays out the principles of good corporate governance. These are to be used by federally-owned enterprises like GIZ. In the Corporate Governance Report, the Management Board and Supervisory Board declare whether or not the company has complied with the recommendations given in the Public Corporate Governance Code, and explain any failure to comply.