Supervisory Board
The GIZ Supervisory Board consists of ten shareholder representatives and ten representatives of the employees.
The shareholder is represented by four members of the German Federal Parliament (members of the Budget Committee) and five representatives of the German Government (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conversation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection), as well as one representative of the Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung (DSE) from the Bavarian State Chancellery.
The employees are represented by ten workforce representatives (three trade union representatives, one executive manager and six employees).
Shareholder representatives
- Jochen Flasbarth (Chairperson)
State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - Susanne Baumann
State Secretary at the German Federal Foreign Office - Bettina Hagedorn
Member of the German Federal Parliament - Anja Hajduk
State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action - Stephanie Jacobs
Representative of Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung (DSE), Bavarian State Chancellery - Carsten Körber
Member of the German Federal Parliament - Ricarda Lang
Member of the German Federal Parliament - Claudia Raffelhüschen
Member of the German Federal Parliament - Dr Christiane Rohleder
State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection - Steffen Saebisch
State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance
Employees’ representatives
- Louisa Ameyo Agossivi Sedjro, GIZ (First Deputy Chair)
- Dr Wibke Thies, GIZ (Second Deputy Chair)
- Ines Born, Unified Service Sector Union (ver.di), Administrative Headquarters
- Judith Kordon, GIZ
- Sandra Fuhr, GIZ
- Sascha Rusgiarto, GIZ
- Marcel Schmelz, Unified Service Sector Union (ver.di), State District Hessen
- Dr Julius Spatz, GIZ
- Daniela Suttner, Unified Service Sector Union (ver.di), State District Hessen
- Arthur Richard Wallach, GIZ