
GIZ local staff

National employees: 80

(as at: 31.12.2024)  

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been working in Libya since 2005. In order to implement projects, it has offices in Tripoli and Benghazi. However, due to armed conflict in the country, it manages its work from Tunisia.

Two governments are fighting for power in Libya: the internationally recognised government in Tripoli and a rival government in the east of the country. The country is therefore shaped by conflict. Vulnerable groups such as women and young people are heavily affected. There are hardly any state and civil society structures in place for these groups. For women, participation in social and peace-related processes is limited due to traditional gender roles.

The government in Tripoli is unable to meet expectations in the areas of state-building, peace and democratisation. The lack of an effective government means that it is impossible to establish a stable financial and legal framework to support the decentralisation process.

As a result, state institutions are scarcely able to function. Public health care facilities are also unable to provide adequate care for the population.

Moreover, the economy is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. The structures for sustainable energy and climate policy are insufficient. Mechanisms for climate change adaptation, managing water scarcity and responding to extreme weather events are also lacking.

GIZ works in Libya on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU). In cooperation with the internationally recognised government, it works in areas that include:

- Decentralisation and participation of women and young people
- Health care
- Renewable energy and climate change adaptation

GIZ advises the Libyan Ministry of Local Government on decentralisation. It also promotes good governance in municipal administrations with a view to strengthening citizens’ trust in state structures. To achieve this, GIZ trains local administration staff in the development of basic services, such as waste disposal, and participatory decision-making processes.

In selected communities, GIZ also works to improve the economic and social participation of young people and women. Here it works with a number of partners, including public educational institutions and vocational training institutions, enabling them to offer vocational counselling for young people and women. It also supports them in creating local women and youth centres.

To better tailor health care to the needs of the population, GIZ trains national and local decision-makers in the health care sector. It also provides advice on reproductive health and pandemic preparedness in the health care system.

With support from the private sector, GIZ supports its Libyan partners in introducing solar energy for power generation. It also provides training in climate change adaptation.

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