This page is to store all documents from projects implemented by GIZ Laos.
- 2021_Improved Environment and Capacities for Civil Society Engagement in Lao PDR (pdf, 0,50 MB)
- 2021_Enhanced implementation of human rights obligations and the rule of law in Lao PDR (pdf, 0,48 MB)
- 2021_Strengthening core parliamentary functions of Provincial People’s Assemblies (pdf, 0,44 MB)
- 2021_CEGGA Factsheet_ENG (pdf, 1,07 MB)
- CliPAD Factsheet 2024_ENG (pdf, 1,20 MB)
- 2021 Annual Performance Report (FP117): Implementation of the Lao PDR Emission Reductions Programme through improved governance and sustainable forest landscape management (pdf, 1,73 MB)
- Gender Assessment (FP200): Scaling up the implementation of the Lao PDR Emission Reductions Program through improved governance and sustainable forest landscape management (pdf, 1,38 MB)
- Gender action plan (FP200): Scaling up the implementation of the Lao PDR Emission Reductions Programme through improved governance and sustainable forest landscape management (Project 2) (pdf, 1,51 MB)
- Funding Proposal Project 2 (FP200): Scaling up the implementation of the Lao PDR Emission Reductions Programme through improve governance and sustainable forest landscape management (pdf, 5,44 MB)
- Funding Proposal Project 1 (FP117): Implementation of the Lao PDR Emission Reductions Programme through improved governance and sustainable forest landscape management (pdf, 3,90 MB)
- TWC_MRC Factsheet_LAO (pdf, 0,89 MB)
- TWC_MRC Factsheet 2023_ENG (pdf, 0,98 MB)
- MRC ROADMAP (pdf, 6,55 MB)
- Handbook for Gender Mainstreaming_MRC 2021-25_FINAL (pdf, 0,50 MB)
- 16. 3_Protocols for Microplastic Monitoring in Fish 18 January 202_Final ( 3_Protocols for Microplastic Monitoring in Fish 18 January 202_Final, 1,18 MB)
- 15. 2_Protocols for Riverine Microplastic Monitoring 11 January 2024_Final ( 2_Protocols for Riverine Microplastic Monitoring 11 January 2024_Final, 1,79 MB)
- 14. 1_Protocols for Riverine Macroplastic Monitoring 19122023 ( 1_Protocols for Riverine Macroplastic Monitoring 19122023, 2,18 MB)
- Plastic Report 2022 (pdf, 10,47 MB)
- GIZ-MRC_Short story on Joint project on on Transboundary Flood and Drought Management_2023_ (pdf, 0,42 MB)
- GIZ-MRC_Short story on Joint project on transboundary_2023 (pdf, 0,43 MB)
- MRC 2 Hortle-and-So-2017-Mitigation-of-the-impacts-of-dams-on-fisheries (pdf, 9,67 MB)
- MRC 3 20th-year-MRC-2016 (pdf, 6,37 MB)
- MRC 4 tech-No57-review-fish-friendly-turbines (pdf, 2,51 MB)
- MRC 5 tech-No48-Review-of-Existing-Research-on-Fish-Passage (pdf, 2,81 MB)
- JEM Fish Passage Acoustic PILOT study final report (pdf, 5,79 MB)
- Germany-MRC cooperation 2011 - today (pdf, 0,06 MB)
- Germany_MRC Cooperation story (pdf, 0,14 MB)
- Basin Atlas_Joint Project (pdf, 0,29 MB)
- Organisational development Poster_blue (pdf, 1,43 MB)
- Organisational development Poster (pdf, 1,44 MB)
- Joint Planing Poster_blue (pdf, 1,47 MB)
- Joint Planning Poster (pdf, 0,20 MB)
- Core River Monitoring Poster_blue (pdf, 0,17 MB)
- Core River Monitoring Poster (pdf, 0,18 MB)
- GIZ-MRC_Short story on Hydropower monitoring 2023_PDF (pdf, 0,36 MB)
- GIZ-MRC_Short story on Fish pathway 2023_PDF (pdf, 0,34 MB)
- GIZ-MRC_Short story on Decentralization of Core River Monitoring Network _2023_PDF (pdf, 0,14 MB)
- GIZ-MRC_Short story on Plastic pollution 2023_PDF (pdf, 0,24 MB)
- JEM_PILOT2022 (pdf, 11,44 MB)
- jem-policy-brief (pdf, 0,89 MB)
- JEM programme_v7_Final (pdf, 4,25 MB)
- JEM Fish Passage Acoustic PILOT study final report_V6 (pdf, 5,74 MB)
- 4. ICEM_210621_Recent fish migrations at Khone Falls based on local ecological knowledge ( ICEM_210621_Recent fish migrations at Khone Falls based on local ecological knowledge, 5,80 MB)
- JEM-2nd Factsheet_published (pdf, 1,04 MB)
- TWC_MRC Factsheet 2023_2 (pdf, 0,98 MB)
- MRC_Factsheet_Lao_20210811 (pdf, 0,75 MB)
- MRC_Factsheet_LAO_3_October_2022 (pdf, 0,93 MB)
- MRC_Factsheet_ENG_20211011 (pdf, 0,71 MB)
- MRC_Factsheet_ENG_3_October_2022 (pdf, 0,88 MB)
- Project 6F. Reservoir - Ang Trapeang Thmor, Cambodia ( Reservoir - Ang Trapeang Thmor, Cambodia, 1,75 MB)
- Project 5F. Reservoir - Kamping Puoy, Cambodia ( Reservoir - Kamping Puoy, Cambodia, 1,48 MB)
- Project 4F. Transboundary Urban Area Flooding - Poipet (Cambodia), Aranyaprathet (Thailand) ( Transboundary Urban Area Flooding - Poipet (Cambodia), Aranyaprathet (Thailand), 2,66 MB)
- Project 3F. Headwaters and Protected Areas - Sompoi, Taduang and UN Reservoirs (Thailand) ( Headwaters and Protected Areas - Sompoi, Taduang and UN Reservoirs (Thailand), 1,42 MB)
- Project 2F. Headwaters and Protected Area – Khao Soi Dao, Pong Nam Ron, Thailand ( Headwaters and Protected Area – Khao Soi Dao, Pong Nam Ron, Thailand, 1,46 MB)
- Project 1F. Transboundary headquarters and protected areas - Samlaut (Cambodia), Khlong Kreua Wai Chaleum (Thailand) ( Transboundary headquarters and protected areas - Samlaut (Cambodia), Khlong Kreua Wai Chaleum (Thailand), 0,54 MB)
- Master plan_Khmer (pdf, 4,54 MB)
- AAS2002-REP-014-005 9C-9T Network of NbS project concepts_300623 (pdf, 16,29 MB)
- Master plan_Thai (pdf, 5,28 MB)
- Master plan_EN (pdf, 4,82 MB)
- AAS2002-REP-012-002 9C-9T Gender Assessment Report_170123 (pdf, 1,30 MB)
- MRC_9C-9T Economic Analysis of NbS_Urban Policy Brief (pdf, 6,07 MB)
- MRC_9C-9T Economic Analysis of NbS_Rural Policy Brief (pdf, 7,25 MB)
- MRC_9C-9T Economic Analysis of NbS_Final Report 2023 (pdf, 13,63 MB)