
GIZ local staff

National employees: 257
International employees: 41
Integrated experts: 1

(as at: 31.12.2024)  

Brazil and Germany have been pursuing joint projects in the area of sustainable development since 1962. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been working in Brazil since 1993 and maintains a country office in the capital, Brasília.

Brazil has a crucial role to play in global climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. The country is home to around 20 per cent of the planet’s animal and plant species and its tropical rainforests store huge amounts of greenhouse gases. However, the Amazon, Cerrado savannah and Atlantic Forest areas are under pressure. Illegal mining, livestock farming and large-scale monocultures are destroying extensive forest areas.

Brazil gets much of its energy from hydropower plants. The country has also significantly expanded its wind and solar power capacity over the past 10 years and wants to exploit the considerable potential of these renewable energy sources to even greater effect in the future.

85 per cent of Brazil’s population live in cities, which serve as both the backdrop and key players for many social and environmental challenges. They are the drivers of economic growth, but also consume a large part of the natural resources and emit the most greenhouse gases.

In Brazil, GIZ works primarily on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the German Federal Foreign Office. The priority areas of cooperation are:

  • Conservation and sustainable use of tropical forests
  • Just transition in the renewable energy and urban sectors

To improve tropical forest conservation, GIZ is helping the country to use this biome more sustainably and strengthen controls. Particular attention is paid to sections of the population that rely on tropical forests for their livelihoods, as they contribute to the balanced use of the natural resources. In addition, GIZ is encouraging Brazilian Government agencies to better protect conservation areas and the rights of indigenous peoples.

GIZ is working to further expand the use of renewable energy in Brazil and increase energy efficiency. Thanks to GIZ’s support, wind and solar power already occupy an important place in Brazil's energy supply. At the same time, and with GIZ’s assistance, the country is becoming a producer and supplier of green hydrogen. The promotion of innovative technology, knowledge sharing and improved technical and vocational education and training for young people are also part of the work on site.

In addition, GIZ is fostering sustainable, climate-friendly and inclusive urban development by collating and integrating solutions for housing, mobility, waste management and public spaces. It focuses on disadvantaged districts and their communities in their capacity as agents and places of innovation in the face of change.

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Projects and Programmes

Brazil’s tropical forests are of immense importance for the conservation of biodiversity and the global climate. The country’s economic development depends on the services provided by nature and ecosystems, such as supplying clean drinking water and alimentation and purified air, particularly in the major cities. Brazil’s tropical forests also provide living and cultural space for traditional and indigenous population groups. Despite numerous successes, Brazil’s ecosystems remain under extreme pressure. The Brazilian government has therefore set itself ambitious goals to stop illegal deforestation, protect biodiversity and promote climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.

On behalf of the German government, GIZ has been working with Brazilian partners on the protection, sustainable use and the restoration of tropical forests since the early 1990s. BMZ and BMU are currently funding the following projects in the three biomes – the Amazon, the Atlantic Forest and the savanna Cerrado:

Billions are being invested in Brazil in order to meet the demand for energy entailed by economic growth, while protecting the security of supplies and ensuring a pro-climate energy mix. Power supplies have traditionally come from large-scale hydro plants, which in many cases have imply harmful impacts on the environment. Brazil now wants broaden the sources by harnessing biomass, sun and wind to produce clean energy.

As Germany’s energy transition also focuses on renewable energies, it can provide expertise and technology. GIZ and its Brazilian partners are working together in the following projects to set up environmentally compatible alternatives for power generation, to increase energy efficiency in key sectors, and to introduce new technologies.

German-Brazilian cooperation for sustainable development is using innovative forms of collaboration consistent with Brazil’s global position. Together with Brazilian partner institutions, GIZ is implementing projects in third countries and shaping partnerships with academia and the private sector.

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