Vanessa Preclaro, nurse from the Philippines
Vanessa is a nursing professional from the Philippines. With the support of GIZ and Germany’s Federal Employment Agency (BA), and after completing intensive training, she now has a permanent position at Frankfurt’s Nordwest Hospital. This is a triple win situation. For patients at the hospital, which has a shortage of skilled staff. For Vanessa, who has the chance to broaden her professional and personal horizons. And for her country of origin, which has more skilled workers than jobs, and specifically Vanessa’s family, which benefits from her remittances.
What was it like moving to Germany to work?
At the start it was really difficult for us Filipino nurses. We had to start from scratch: furnish an empty room and build up a new circle of friends. At work everything was still so new and different, and we didn’t speak German so well. But GIZ had established contact with the Filipino community here. And our colleagues at work were well prepared for our arrival, too. We really felt welcome.
How have you settled in now?
I now really feel at home in Frankfurt. My German has got much better and I’m more independent. At work I’ve been supported by so many kind people. I feel that my employer and my patients need me.
How does nursing in Germany differ from nursing in the Philippines?
There are many differences. In Germany the hospital staff provide all-round care for their patients. That means we also wash our patients and bring them food. In the Philippines the family normally takes care of these things.
How does nursing in Germany differ from nursing in the Philippines?
There are many differences. In Germany the hospital staff provide all-round care for their patients. That means we also wash our patients and bring them food. In the Philippines the family normally takes care of these things.
Would you say there is a lack of skilled workers in the nursing sector in Germany?
I’d heard about this before, but I didn’t think it was so serious. Now I know that almost all German hospitals are really understaffed. In contrast, the Philippines has more than enough nurses.
Would you like to stay in Germany?
After having worked for more than a year to become officially recognised as a qualified health care and nursing professional, I’m not in a rush to head back too soon. Working conditions and pay are better in Germany. I can take care of myself and even support my family back home. My longing to see far-away places is greater than my homesickness – I’m still keen to get to know Germany better.