Bidding Opportunities: GIZ Indonesia
How does GIZ do business?
GIZ involves suitable firms from the private sector of the economy when implementing commissions. It charges consultancy companies with the production of expert reports and implementation of complex consultancy projects. It awards orders to national and international suppliers for procuring technical equipment and materials.
GIZ procures a large volume of services, construction works and supplies. As this involves the use of public funds, all procurement must be cost-efficient, transparent and verifiable. The procurement procedures used by GIZ are designed to ensure that this is the case.
The following methods are used for the procurement of goods and services :
Request for Quotation (RFQ):The most flexible and least formal method that is applied for procuring goods, services and/or works. RFQs call for a written quotation. RFQ applies to contracts or procurement exceeding the range Euro 1,000.
Request for Proposal (RFP): RFP is used when the inputs and/or outputs cannot be quantitatively and qualitatively expressed at the time the invitation is made, as for example consulting or similar services are sought. A RFP may also be used for procurement of complex goods when you are not sure of the functional specifications and wish to seek proposals. RFP applies to contracts exceeding Euro 20,000.00. In some cases, exceptions to competition are being made and direct contracting is used.
The direct award procedure for the above threshold may be used without competitive tendering only in justified exceptional circumstances, i.e. if only one supplier is available (sole source) with the letter from the manufacture, if only one contractor is capable of fulfilling the terms of the contract because of its unique characteristics.
Evaluation of offers: Depending on the procurement method, different factors take on the key role in the evaluation process. When evaluating RFQs, the price and specification are the most important element. In contrast to this, and RFP requires a technical evaluation. The technical component primarily determines whether the proposal will be accepted or declined. Please see the detailed information related to evaluation criteria in the individual tender documents.
Conditions of Contract: In order to be a future contractor or supplier for GIZ, you have to accept our General Terms and Conditions. Depending on your deliverables, the following applies:
- General Terms and Conditions for Goods
- General Terms and Conditions for Contracts with Appraisers/Firms of Consultant (Local)
Information for open tender will be published in the sections below.
Updated information on terms and conditions for contracts and procurement for 2018 will be uploaded shortly.
- (Deadline 14.04.25) 91186930-933 -SAFE- Procurement of nurseries (04, 1,64 MB)
- (Deadline 210325) 91186786-87-FORCLIME-Procurement Mobile Phone and Laptop GIS (zip, 0,74 MB)
- (Deadline 040225) AUCTION-DTC-Office Furniture (zip, 1,56 MB)
- (Extension 101224) 91185273 -iA4g- Mangrove Book of Homeland Printing (zip, 2,24 MB)
- (Deadline 210425) 83485421-SASCI+-Diagnostic Study & Implement PFM (zip, 1,96 MB)
- (Deadline 160425) 83485873-SOLUSI-Strategic Overview on Project Impact (zip, 1,19 MB)
- (Deadline 270425) 83485608-AgriTrade-Junior Consultant for Regional Coordination and Administrative Support (zip, 0,90 MB)
- (Deadline 160425) 83484951-SASCI-Improvement Capacity (zip, 1,85 MB)
- (Deadline 110425) 83485051-SETI-Energy Performance IKE (zip, 1,59 MB)
- (Deadline140425) 83485158-SOLUSI-Study Gender and Social Inclusion in Biodiversity (zip, 1,75 MB)
- (Deadline 090425) 83484233-IKIJET-Support East Kalimantan and South Sumatra (zip, 2,08 MB)
- (Deadline190325) 83484310-SOLUSI-VehicleRent&DriverPalu (zip, 1,30 MB)
- (Deadline 190325) 83484403-GER-Story of Change Consultant (zip, 0,81 MB)
- (Deadline 060325) 83481417-GreenEnergy-Senior Power System Planning (zip, 1,54 MB)
- (Extended 230215) 83481518-SAFE-Traceability CUKK (zip, 2,01 MB)
- (Deadline 280225) 83483330-CASE-Consultancy on Technical Coordination (zip, 2,20 MB)
- (Deadline 280225) 83481646 GBFI Interactive Information Development for Indonesia Biodiversity in World Expo 2025 Osaka 1 (zip, 1,36 MB)
- (Update 140225) 83481415-CCGF-PreFeasibility study of RDF (zip, 2,51 MB)
- (Deadline 280225) 83482700-CLARITY-Non-Land based MRV Expert to support the Climate and Carbon Collaboration (zip, 0,87 MB)
- (Deadline 180225) 83482768-ISD-Consultant for preparation Regional Exchange Program (zip, 1,08 MB)
- (Deadline 240225) 83482718-CCGF-Consultancy of Solid Waste Management Project (zip, 2,50 MB)
- (Deadline 140225) 83482630-FORCLIME-Rental Copier Machines (zip, 0,87 MB)
- (Deadline 140225) 83482412-TRIPLE WIN-Sworn Translator (zip, 1,10 MB)
- (Deadline 110225) 83482238-SOLUSI-Contractor for Liaison for Policy Analysis (zip, 1,17 MB)
- (Deadline 130225) 83481518 -SAFE- Traceability CUKK (zip, 2,01 MB)
- (Deadline 300125) 83481916-SOLUSI-Technical Liaison LAS (zip, 0,99 MB)
- (Deadline 080125) 83480601-FORCLIME-InternetServiceJakarta (zip, 0,90 MB)
- (Deadline 080125) 83480588-FORCLIME-RentalPhotocopyJayapura_update (zip, 0,81 MB)
- (Deadline 060125) 83480231-GreenEnergy-Power_System_&_Electricity_Industry_Expert (zip, 1,09 MB)
- (Deadline 010125) 83479672-SAFE-Sustainable_Jurisdiction_Indicators (zip, 1,95 MB)
- (Deadline 020125) 83479649-CAP-ASEAN Training on Forest Carbon Accounting (zip, 1,04 MB)
- (Retender 161224) 83475855-SASCI+-Site Fertilization Study (zip, 1,54 MB)
- (Deadline 181224) 83479092-SAFE-learning and policy dialogue (zip, 1,72 MB)
- (Deadline 151224) 83479091-SASCI+- Tracer Study in Central Sulawesi (zip, 1,36 MB)
- (Cancel 061224) 83478452-GER-Public Outreach Campaign (pdf, 0,07 MB)
- (Extend 31224) 83475996-ENTRI-RE Policy & Implementation Indonesia & Nepal (zip, 1,55 MB)
- (Deadline 041224) 83478348-GID-Water and Wastewater Engineering Expert (zip, 1,12 MB)
- (Deadline 051224) 83478286 -COI- Internet Service Provider (ISP) (zip, 1,10 MB)
- (Deadline 031224) 83478191-SASCI+-Technical and Backstopping PFM (zip, 2,20 MB)
- (Deadline 021224) 83477748-CLARITY-Mammals Coordinator (zip, 1,18 MB)