
Gender equality – a corporate value and objective defining the quality of GIZ’s work as part of feminist development cooperation.

Gender equality is a goal in itself, but it is also a prerequisite and driving force for viable sustainable development. As a value-driven company and reliable actor in international cooperation, GIZ works resolutely to realise equal opportunities and rights for all individuals, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity. It does this in its project work and as part of its gender equality policy within the company.

This is a successful approach, with many examples showing how GIZ works with its partners to strengthen the rights, representation and resources of women and girls in all their diversity with the aim of overcoming gender-based disadvantages and discrimination.

Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze has called for a paradigm shift towards feminist development policy. Between now and 2025, the goal is for 93 per cent of all measures commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to make a measurable and significant contribution to gender equality. GIZ is working to meet this goal and has already succeeded in some areas. 96 per cent of our employment projects contribute to gender equality, for example.

Gender strategy

GIZ is committed to equality not only in its project work, but also within the company itself. The GIZ Gender Strategy is a binding framework for all GIZ managers, staff and other members of our workforce. It establishes the promotion of gender equality as a guiding principle and urges all employees to actively embrace the strategy and translate it into concrete action. An extensive internal network comprising more than 500 gender focal points in Germany and abroad ensures that the Gender Strategy is implemented.

Subcontractors must also follow the GIZ Gender Strategy. It serves as a source of information and guidance for commissioning parties and partners. 

GIZ’s contribution to gender equality can be measured

Every year, GIZ monitors how it is putting its Gender Strategy into practice and reports internally on the progress made. It also publishes outstanding project examples as part of the GIZ Gender Competition. The key results are incorporated into the Integrated Company Report.

The Gender Strategy makes GIZ a strong actor and partner in feminist development and foreign policy. It was recognised by the OECD as an example of best practice. 


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