As a federal enterprise, GIZ is under a particular obligation to comply with laws, guidelines, agreements and rules. This compliance forms the basis of our work and credibility. That is why we promote a corporate culture based on compliance, ethics and integrity.
Compliance is firmly embedded in GIZ’s management system. Our compliance objectives are derived from our corporate objectives:
- GIZ operates as a reliable company that complies with the law and regulations and is perceived as such by the outside world.
- Internal rules and processes are reviewed on a regular basis and improved where necessary.
- Reputational, liability and financial risks are minimised or avoided.
These objectives are based on a strong compliance culture within the company, which we promote on an ongoing basis.
Values are central to GIZ’s work. We are guided by the principles upheld in our society: integrity, honesty, respect for human dignity, openness and non-discrimination. GIZ has a policy of zero tolerance on corruption. Integrity in our day-to-day work is our greatest asset, and all staff are obliged to act accordingly. We demand transparent and correct behaviour as well as professionalism in dealing with potential conflicts of interest.
The trust of commissioning parties, clients, partners and the public is at the heart of our work. Reliability, compliance with the law and conformity with regulations are the basis for this trust and are guaranteed by our compliance management system (CMS). CMS is based on the PS 980 auditing standard of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) and the international standard DIN ISO 37301. These standards guarantee the long-term effectiveness of our CMS.
The compliance management system is a key component of GIZ’s comprehensive internal control system (ICS). This has three main objectives:
- Prevention: recognise, prevent and avoid risks
- Detection: identify problematic issues at an early stage
- Response: react appropriately to rule violations and unavoidable risks
GIZ’s compliance management system applies across the company and across all business processes, including those at our locations outside Germany. In addition to the internal auditing system, GIZ is subject to a large number of external audits, for which it has to provide evidence on a regular basis of the proper use of funds entrusted to it.
External partners, commissioning parties, clients, the public and staff can report potential breaches of rules via the GIZ whistleblowing system – anonymously if they wish. Independent compliance officers, who are not subject to orders or instructions, and an external ombudsman are also available as neutral parties.