Regional projects and programmes
- Promoting public administration reform in the Eastern Partnership
- Prevention and fight against migrant smuggling and human trafficking in the Western Balkans
- Supporting economic development with legal reforms
- Promoting youth exchanges
- Respect for human rights of vulnerable groups
- Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans
- Working together regionally for EU integration in the Western Balkans
- Modernising municipal services in the Western Balkans
- Social Protection and Prevention of Human Trafficking (SPPHT)
- Legal Approximation towards European Standards in the South Caucasus
- Public Finance Management in the South Caucasus
- Good governance for local development
- Supporting climate dialogues to implement the Green Agenda
- Green Agenda: Climate Change Adaptation in the Western Balkans
- Preserving biodiversity and sharing responsibility
- Ambitious climate policy in the countries of South-East and Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia
- Preventing marine litter in the Western Balkans
- Environmental Programme for the South Caucasus
- Capacity development for climate policy in the Western Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- REDD Early Movers
- Adaptation to Climate Change through Transboundary Flood Risk Management in the Western Balkans
- Using climate-friendly cooling in a warming world
- Renewable energy resources and energy efficiency in municipalities in South-East Europe
- Preserving biodiversity and sharing responsibility
- Integrated Biodiversity Management in the South Caucasus
- Increasing competitiveness and boosting economic development in the South Caucasus
- Making companies in the Eastern Partnership more competitive through digital transformation
- Implementing the reform agenda for trade and competitiveness in South-East Europe
- Sustainable economic development
- Promoting the participation of vulnerable displaced people and the local population in the South Caucasus
- Economic policy and private sector development
- Promoting Employment and Trade in the Mediterranean region
- Boosting the economies in rural areas of Southeast Europe
- Innovation and Leadership Development – Fresh Perspectives on Global Change Processes
- Internship programme: internships in Germany promote job prospects in the Western Balkans
- Implementing the reform agenda for trade and competitiveness in South East Europe