Promoting public administration reform in the Eastern Partnership
Regional Project Public Administration Reform in the Eastern Partnership III
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2024 to 2027
Products and expertise
Governance and democracy
Since 2009, the goal of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) has been to foster relations between the European Union (EU) and its eastern neighbours of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. These countries face significant challenges in ensuring their public administrations are efficient, developing the skills of their staff, and delivering more transparent and citizen-centred services.
The EaP countries are pursuing different strategies to reform their public administrations. In this context, regional dialogue enables them to harness synergies relating to EU standards. As a cooperation and dialogue format and a potential tool for forging closer ties with the EU, the EaP creates incentives for reform.

The EaP countries have successfully modernised their public administrations and aligned them with EU standards, and are delivering services more efficiently. This is promoting their EU integration and regional stability.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine are modernising their public administrations through regional cooperation. This is taking place in accordance with EU standards. The project provides support in the following areas:
- It develops the skills of civil servants, public service employees and political decision-makers so that they can better perform the tasks and functions required for implementing administrative reforms.
- Individually tailored advisory services support national institutions in developing and implementing national reforms. The reforms are focused on digitalisation, re-engineering public services, advisory services for parliaments, EU integration and eGovernance, among other things.
- The project also promotes cooperation between the EaP countries to share best practices, harmonise administrative reforms and support mutual learning.

Last update: October 2024