
GIZ local staff

National employees: 211
International employees: 19 
Integrated specialsts: 2

(as at: 31.12.2024)

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been operating in Peru for more than 50 years. The country office is located in the capital, Lima. The office has also been responsible for German cooperation with Chile and Argentina since 2022.

Peru is a middle-income country and is aiming to join the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the next few years. The OECD primarily includes countries that have a high per capita income and a market-based economy. However, Peru still lacks a functioning public administration and the capacities needed to provide citizen-centred services.

Managing development without significantly compromising Peru's high level of biodiversity and increasing climate-damaging CO2 emissions is a particular challenge. It is crucial to protect the rainforest and conserve other endangered ecosystems such as the High Andes and marine biodiversity.

Urban areas also require environmentally sound economic restructuring, efficient resource management and a climate-smart water supply in order to protect the climate and the environment.

GIZ works in Peru on behalf of Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). Other countries and the European Union provide additional funding. GIZ's work encompasses three areas:

  • Democracy, civil society and public administration
  • Environmental and climate policy, conservation of natural resources
  • Climate-friendly urban development

GIZ advises the Peruvian Government on the steps required for OECD accession. In doing so, it contributes to modernising public administration and supporting regional governments in developing their local economies. GIZ also works to integrate refugees who have fled to Peru since the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela began.

In 2022, Germany and Peru signed a Climate Partnership. The two countries thus work together closely to provide international impetus for climate action. At the same time, GIZ supports Peru in achieving its climate and biodiversity targets. It promotes climate finance instruments and provides support with environmentally-sound, climate-resilient forest management and biodiversity conservation and assists the local population in dealing with the impacts of climate change.

Furthermore, GIZ supports Peru in securing its water supply, creating sustainable urban mobility, expanding renewables and developing a circular economy. Cooperation aims to ensure long-term, climate-friendly urban development.

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Projects and Programmes

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Our References

Affordable protection and immediate support: climate risk insurance for farmers in Zambia and Peru

GIZ magazin akzente

Biodiversity in Peru – Tree sap brings prosperity


Yanett Talavera Roca, a fashion student from Lima, discusses her interest in rubber.