Children dance in a school playground. They hold a sign that reads ‘Juntas busquemos la equidad’. © GIZ

Increasing gender justice in Peru

Strengthening the specialized justice system for combating violence against women (ForSNEJ II)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2021 to 2027

  • Involved

    Peruvian Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, public prosecutor’s office, National Police, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, private sector and civil society

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and democracy

Two Peruvian women work in an office for human rights.


Peru introduced legal reforms in 2015 to protect women from gender-based violence. In 2018, the Government created Peru’s national specialised justice system for the prevention and punishment of violence against women and family members (SNEJ). Peru also has extensive gender equality policies and a strategy that promotes women’s economic independence.

However, discrimination against women remains widespread in Peruvian society. Violence, limited access to the labour market and socio-cultural patterns have an adverse impact on women across the country.


The Peruvian Government is able to increase gender justice. Women are protected more effectively from violence and perpetrators evade punishment more rarely. Women have better economic opportunities and their needs are considered.

Children in a school playground form a heart around the words ‘Ni una menos’.© GIZ


The project expands cooperation between judicial institutions so that new districts become part of the SNEJ. It trains the judicial system’s staff to ensure that they comply with international standards and take gender perspectives into account.

Furthermore, the project supports the Peruvian Ministry of Women in promoting women’s economic independence, especially in the context of the national strategy for women entrepreneurs. It trains staff on gender equality issues and advises on the strategy.

The project develops approaches that transform gender roles. Civil society organisations are supported with information campaigns. Lima’s chamber of commerce is advised on training and awareness-raising for regional chambers of commerce. At the same time, the project works to dismantle discriminatory social patterns within education and communication by developing and implementing training and learning formats on gender roles.

People stand at a table with ‘SNEJ ANCASH’ on it.

Last update: February 2025

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