Designing urban services to be more environmentally friendly and responsive to citizens' needs
Project description
Title: Climate-friendly public services in selected cities
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Peru
Lead executing agency: Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros, PCM)
Overall term: 2022 to 2024

The Peruvian Government has committed to the goals of the 2030 Agenda, the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and the New Urban Agenda. To guarantee its contribution to these agreements, Peru needs, among other, efficient, climate-friendly and citizen-centred public services in towns and cities.
Currently, public service management is poorly performing and highly departmentalised. In order to modernise public administration, it is necessary to professionalise its management, make it more coherent across different departments and more holistic. There is also a lack of suitable models for effective partnerships with private suppliers of municipal services.
Management of public services in selected cities is climate-friendly, citizen-centred, and cross-departmental.

The project assesses management practices of selected cities in terms of efficiency, responsiveness to citizens’ needs and climate protection. In order to improve management of public services, together with city councils the project designs models for interdepartmental, integrated management. With the help of citizen feedback, by integrating mitigation measures against climate change and digitalising management, the project improves public services.
The project shares local experience between cities via a learning network. These experiences are used for the development of mechanisms to support cities and coordination between the state and local governments.
The following results are expected:
- Pilot measures demonstrate the improvement potential for service quality, responsiveness to citizens’ needs, gender sensitivity and climate protection.
- Methodological conditions for integrated management models improve. Municipal services will therefore become better, more efficient and climate-friendly in the long term.
- The exchange between cities and state authorities improves. Exchange on good management practices and newly created support mechanisms contribute to the dissemination of more citizen-centred and climate-friendly services.
Last updated: July 2022