Climate-sensitive water resource management

Project description

Title: Multisectoral Water Resources Management in the Mantaro river Basin (ProGIRH)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Peru
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI)
Overall term: 2022 to 2024

Automated gauging station on the Mantaro River recording water quality and hydrological and meteorological parameters. Photo: GIZ / Katherina Centeno


Peru is one of the world's countries most affected by climate change. Over the long term this means an increase in extreme weather events and water shortages.

In the basin of the Mantaro River, water demand seasonally exceeds the limited supply, as it does in several of Peru's other river basins. Farmers are increasingly experiencing problems with water quality and availability. This creates conflicts, with vulnerable population groups being at a additonal disadvantage.

In recent years the Peruvian Government has created the legal framework for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). This involves all user groups as well as administrators and scientists in finding solutions to current and future challenges. The government is investing in skills and infrastructure in watersheds, however the development of IWRM for Mantaro is still at an early stage.


Integrated and climate-sensitive management of water resources in the Mantaro basin is improved.

Meeting of water resource management actors at the Tablachaca Dam (Huancavelica Region, Peru) Photo: GIZ / Katherina Centeno


The project provides the competent authorities with support to improve the information systems and decision-making in water resource management. It aims to reduce problems and conflicts over water in the Mantaro area and involve groups that are in particular need of protection. This will be aided by involving different sectors and through participation mechanisms.

The project improves the environmental assessment process for large investment projects with the aim of minimising negative effects on water resources. The project also provides support to the IWRM by sharing positive experiences nationwide.

The project partners are the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego, MIDAGRI), the National Water Authority (Autoridad Nacional del Agua, ANA), the Administrative Water Authority, AAA Mantaro) and the Basin Water Resources Council's (Consejo de Recursos Hídricos de Cuenca, CRHC).

The project is supported by the consulting firm AKUT Umweltschutz Ingenieure Burkard und Partner mbB.

A flock of flamingos on Lake Junin, also called Chinchaycocha Photo: GIZ / Ángel Pasquel

Last update: September 2022

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