sequa gGmbH

A dynamic and effective private sector is essential to the economic growth and sustainable development of our partner countries. Private sector development, organisational development and service enhancement in business chambers and associations are a very important part of this. Vocational training and social dialogue are also key themes.
For several years, GIZ has been working closely in all these areas with sequa gGmbH – the implementing organisation of the business community. This brings together private sector and development cooperation expertise for the benefit of our partners.
In January 2010, GIZ acquired a 49 per cent stake in sequa gGmbH and is thus the company’s largest shareholder. As a partner of German industry, sequa implements projects around the globe that promote the social market economy and vocational education. Its programmes and projects are financed by public and private-sector funds.
The other shareholders of sequa are leading associations in German industry: the German Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts, the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations and the Federation of German Industries
sequa’s objective is to create an enabling environment for the private sector in partner countries, with a view to improving the livelihoods and working conditions of as many people as possible. The company’s agenda also includes strengthening business organisations, establishing sustainable social standards and improving access to vocational education. GIZ and sequa’s services and objectives therefore complement each other well.