Board of Trustees
As laid out in Article 24 of the Articles of Association, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has a Board of Trustees. It advises the company on all issues of substantial importance for its development. The Board of Trustees also maintains an exchange of information and opinions on matters related to the purpose of the company and fosters the relations between GIZ, the German states, civil society, the private sector and other institutions working in similar fields.
The GIZ Board of Trustees meets once a year.
The Board has up to 40 members, who are appointed by the Shareholder for a five-year term. Members act in an honorary capacity.
The Board of Trustees is composed as follows:
- Seven representatives of the federal states
- Six representatives of the parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag
- Six representatives of the federal ministries
- Two representatives of academic community
- Four representatives of civil society
- Two representatives of development workers
- One representative of the trade unions
- Six representatives of the private sector
- Two representatives of the municipalities
- Two representatives of churches
- Two representatives of the youth
Representative of German states
- Nicole Ewert - Lower Saxony State Chancellery
- Dr Anna Hochreuter - Berlin Senate Administration for Economic Affairs, Energy and Companies
- Andreas Höfflin - Ministry of Economy, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of Saxony-Anhalt
- N.N. - Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing
- N.N. - Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture
- Marc Schweiker - State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg
- Ludger Siemes - State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia
Representative of parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag
- N.N, MdB - CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag
- Markus Frohnmaier, MdB - AfD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag
- N.N, MdB - FDP parliamentary group in the German Bundestag
- Deborah Düring - Bündnis90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the German Bundestag
- N.N, MdB - DIE LINKE parliamentary group in the German Bundestag
- Derya Türk-Nachbaur (Chairperson), MdB - SPD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag
Representative of federal ministries
- Michael Kniepen - Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg)
- Bastian Fleig - Federal Ministry of the Interior and for the Homeland (BMI)
- Dr Sebastian Jeckel - Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ)
- Mark Kamperhoff - Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)
- Swantje Nilsson - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- Armin Reinartz - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Representative of academic community
- Dr Anne Koch - German Institute for International Politics and Security / Science and Politics Foundation (SWP)
- Dr Axel Berger - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS, ehem. DIE)
Representative of civil society
- Dr Kambiz Ghawami (1. Deputy Chairperson) - World University Service
- Dr Claudia Lücking-Michel - Network and specialist office for international personnel cooperation e.V. (AKLHÜ)
- Angela Bähr - German Association of Development Policy Germany Non-Governmental Organizations (VENRO e.V.), German Foundation for World Population
- Martina Schaub - German Association of Development Policy Germany Non-Governmental Organizations (VENRO e.V.)
Representative of development workers
- Dr Gabi Waibel - Association of Development Services e.V. (AGdD)
- Robert Mehr - Association of Development Services e.V. (AGdD) c/o Brot für die Welt / Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V.
Representative of trade unions
Annika Wünsche - German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB)
Representative of private sector
- Petra Lausch - Carl Duisberg Society e.V. (CDG)
- Bernhard Longin - Carl Duisberg Society e.V. (CDG)
- Sofie Geisel - German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK)
- Wolfgang Niedermark - Federal Association of Germany Industry (BDI)
- Dr Jürgen Ratzinger (2. Deputy Chairperson) - IHK Frankfurt
- Holger Schwannecke - Central Association of Germany Crafts (ZDH)
Representative of municipalities
- Lina Furch - German Association of Cities
- Dr Janina Salden - German Association of Towns and Municipalities (DStGB)
Representative of churches
- Dr Dagmar Pruin - Brot für die Welt
- Dr Bernd Bornhorst - Episcopal Aid Organization Misereor e.V.
Representative of youth
- Wendelin Haag - Federal Youth Council (DBJR)
- Sophie Mühlau - ASA Engagement Global gGmbH Service for development initiatives