Call for proposals 83484212

Installation of LED Streetlight Luminaires 

The South African-German Energy Programme (SAGEN), funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), was launched in 2011 with the aim to improve conditions for investment in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. GIZ under its SAGEN Programme is rolling out the Energy Efficient Street Lighting Retrofit Project (EEStLRP). The project is funded via a co-funding Grant Agreement from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). 

Under EEStLRP, GIZ is requesting Installation services for suitably qualified Service Provider to replace inefficient high intensity discharge (HID) high mast and / or streetlight luminaires with energy efficient LED luminaires at Dr Beyers Naude Municipality, iLembe District Municipality and Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (including offloading and safe keeping). Services shall include the provision of capacity building to skilled and unskilled locals.

GIZ invites eligible and professional companies with local presence in South Africa to participate in this tender.

Queries must be made in writing only, reaching GIZ not later than 14.03.2025, and addressed strictly and only to:

Your proposal must be submitted only to by 23 March 2025. Please quote reference 83484212 when submitting the documentation. Late submissions will not be accepted.