GIZ local staff
National employees: 82
International employees: 10
(as at: 31.12.2024)
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been working in Armenia since the early 1990s and opened its country office in Yerevan in 2002.
The 2018 Velvet Revolution in the Republic of Armenia was a clear call for more democracy, rule of law, a free-market economy and harmonisation with the European Union (EU).
However, Armenia’s borders with neighbouring Turkey and Azerbaijan remain closed, severely constraining the country’s economy. The economic growth achieved in recent years has mainly been concentrated in the capital Yerevan. In many parts of the country, however, almost 30 per cent of the population still lives below the poverty line. Many Armenians, particularly well-educated young professionals, therefore leave their country in search of work and better prospects.
Moreover, living conditions in rural areas are precarious. Public institutions are underdeveloped and the infrastructure is in need of expansion and modernisation. Above all, high energy costs pose a major threat to people’s energy security. Since rural communities in particular are heavily reliant on natural fuels, the pressure on the country’s limited forest stocks and natural resources is growing. This situation is further compounded by the underutilisation of agricultural land.
GIZ is operating in Armenia on behalf of several commissioning parties, including the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the EU and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Its work focuses on:
- Sustainable economic development
- Good local governance
- Environment and climate change
In order to boost the country’s economic output, GIZ is assisting the Republic of Armenia in improving the investment climate for local and international investors. It is advising the Government on reforms and helping it foster growth and competitiveness in key employment sectors, such as IT, precision engineering, tourism and wine-growing. Furthermore, it is increasing private-sector involvement in the vocational education sector to ensure that training is better aligned with job market demands.
GIZ is also assisting Armenia in making advances in good local governance. Together with its partners on site, it is promoting municipal and administrative reform in order to improve services for those living in rural areas. To this end, it is strengthening public authorities and building HR capacity in state institutions and civil society organisations through further training and exchange formats.
Another focus of GIZ’s work in Armenia is the conservation of natural resources. Measures to improve land management aim to save pastureland in particular from degradation. At the same time, innovative methods are being developed that will help energy-poor households lower costs and satisfy rural demand for natural resources. GIZ is also optimising water resource management in order to protect Lake Sevan.