Promoting a future-oriented economy in Armenia
Private sector development and technical vocational education and training (PSD TVET) in Armenia
Private sector development and technical vocational education and training (PSD TVET) in Armenia
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Armenia, Ministry of Economy (MoE)
Armenia - Ministry of Economy (MoE)
2024 to 2027
Economic development and employment
Armenia’s economy is facing multiple challenges that are preventing its transformation into a green and resilient economy. These include:
Armenia can better utilise its potential for a transformation towards a future-oriented economy in selected sectors.
The project:
The project works with the Armenian Ministry of Economy (MoE), the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (ESCS) and downstream institutions such as the Tourism Committee, the National Centre for Vocational Education and Training Development and the National Training Fund.
Last update: February 2024