Men stand in a group at the inauguration of a project on green iron production in Namibia. © GIZ / Simon Inauen

German-Namibian cooperation on hydrogen

German-Namibian Green Hydrogen and PtX Cooperation

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2022 to 2024

  • Products and expertise

    Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport


Namibia intends to harness its extensive renewable energy resources to develop a green hydrogen sector. It aims to expand the national energy supply, create jobs and export hydrogen products to Germany and other countries.

To support it in achieving this, the hydrogen partnership between Germany and Namibia is promoting the exchange of knowledge and technology in the energy and hydrogen sectors. This will in turn encourage the development of a clean energy and hydrogen industry as well as green value chains.


Conditions have improved in Namibia for the production, export and local use of green hydrogen and related fuels. Environmental and social risks have been taken up in the political debate. Dialogue with civil society is being implemented.

Representatives from Germany and Namibia converse at an event.© GIZ


The hydrogen partnership supports political dialogue between the German and Namibian Governments and promotes a viable green hydrogen economy in Namibia.

The project works in three areas to achieve this.

It creates more favourable conditions for the local production of green hydrogen products and supports the development of green supply chains, for example for green fertilisers.

It supports and organises dialogue between the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME).

It supports analyses of environmental and social risks and promotes dialogue between representatives of various interested parties.

The hydrogen partnership is also involved in an initiative to develop the Green Hydrogen Programme (NGH2P). With cofinancing from BMWK and the Netherlands, NGH2P supports development of the green hydrogen sector in its role as implementing unit within the MME. GIZ is responsible for implementing the German contribution in the form of advisory and financial services for NGH2P.

Last update: September 2024

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