German-Tunisian Energy Partnership

Project description

Title: German-Tunisian Energy Partnership
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Country: Tunisia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Energy, Mines and Energy Transition
Overall term: 2012 to 2026

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The German-Tunisian Energy Partnership supports Tunisia in developing and implementing its national energy policy. It was founded in early 2012 when the two countries signed a joint Memorandum of Understanding on collaboration in the energy sector with a particular focus on renewable energy. 

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH advises and supports the energy Partnership in developing an environmentally sound, secure and affordable energy supply. A key area of activity involves creating more effective and efficient framework conditions on the energy market.

The German-Tunisian Energy Partnership is part of the global project Support for Bilateral Energy Partnerships in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies. GIZ supports the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in implementing and further developing the energy Partnerships with Algeria, Brazil, Chile, China, Ethiopia, India, Jordan, Morocco, Mexico, South Africa and Tunisia, and in establishing new dialogue structures with other developing countries and emerging economies.


The energy supply system in Tunisia is environmentally sound, secure and affordable. Improved framework conditions on the energy market are in place.

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The Energy Partnership is implemented by Germany's BMWK and Tunisia’s Ministry of Energy, Mines and Energy Transition. 
Other key players include:

  • German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV),
  • German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ),
  • German Federal Foreign Office (AA),
  • Tunisian Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation (MDICI),
  • Tunisian Ministry of the Environment (MALE),
  • Tunisian National Agency for Energy Efficiency (ANME), and
  • the Tunisian energy company STEG.

Cooperation and topic areas of the energy Partnership include:

  • energy policy, especially in the field of renewable energy and grid development,
  • strategies to reduce CO2 emissions, and
  • local market development.

With the support of GIZ, a permanent secretariat in Tunis has been set up to provide organisational and technical support to the Partnership. The Secretariat serves as an information platform and contact point for all stakeholders and interested parties from the fields of politics, industry, science and civil society. The project promotes active participation and dialogue.


  • Economic, legal and technical framework conditions on the Tunisian energy market have been improved with the private sector’s help. The project has facilitated technical discussions, held regular meetings of the steering committee and convened three technical working groups. These activities have made it possible for German and Tunisian decision-makers to engage in policy dialogue. 
  • As a result of the discussions, the Tunisian electricity and gas company STEG is now taking the first steps towards integrating renewables into the power grid.
  • Now an established event, the German-Tunisian Energy Day constitutes the most important exchange platform available to decision-makers from the fields of politics, industry and science from both countries. Recently, around 300 participants discussed the latest cutting-edge energy transition topics. The high-profile event also gave Germany a platform on which to showcase its own energy policy topics and objectives.

Last update: December 2022

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