Panorama of a green mountain landscape

Support for implementing the climate targets in Algeria

Support for the implementation of the Paris Agreement in Algeria

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Co-financier

    European Union

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2028

  • Products and expertise

    Environment and climate


Algeria has agreed to implement the Paris Climate Agreement. However, it has not yet been able to prepare its nationally determined contribution (NDC). Furthermore, the necessary strategic, institutional, legal and financial foundations need to be improved.

A dry landscape with two desert trees and small lakes in the background in the pilot region of Djelfa.© GIZ / Fouad Bestandji


Algeria is better able to implement the Paris Climate Agreement.


The project works with the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy.

It fosters the knowledge and skills of experts and managers at relevant institutions through advisory services, training and studies.

Dry ground in the pilot region of Djelfa.© GIZ / Fouad Bestandji

Its work focuses on four topics:

  1. Climate governance
    - The project prepares first drafts of legal texts for climate legislation, such as an implementing regulation for the climate framework law.
  2. Adaptation
    - It develops guidelines for gender-sensitive adaptation measures and adaptation plans – based on experiences in the area of forestry.
    - It implements processes that monitor and assess the adaptation measures. These processes are intended to be used by the Directorate General of Forests, the Ministry of Agriculture and other institutions.
  3. Mitigation
    - The project develops a methodology with process steps and responsibilities to define the National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC) and establish an interministerial thematic working group.
    - It develops a trainer pool to provide knowledge related to mitigation, on topics including modelling and scenario development.
  4. Climate financing
    - The project also conducts feasibility studies on potential national climate financing mechanisms and the use of international sources of financing.
  5. Local approach
    - The project assists five women’s initiatives in the field of climate action and supports five companies in controlling emissions in their production processes.
    - It promotes local measures and involves civil society and research institutions.

Last updated: February 2025

Additional information


A tree stands in a hilly green landscape.

Strengthening of Climate Governance with Regard to the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution for Algeria (ClimGov)


PV modules in a solar park.

Sustainable energy management in Algerian municipalities


A man shows another man something on a coputer screen.

Environmental and Climate Financing