Developing sustainable services and infrastructures for environmental protection worldwide
Global project ‘Environmental Protection Worldwide’
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2025
Products and expertise
Climate, environment, management of natural resources
The guiding principle of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) is that innovations in environmental protection and the efficient use of resources benefit the environment and offer great opportunities for sustainable development.
The German economy is considered to have a high level of expertise in sustainable environmental technologies. However, the partner countries all have a challenging starting situation for implementing environmental protection measures due to insufficient political, legal and administrative framework conditions and a lack of technical capacities.
The Environmental Protection Worldwide project builds on the experience and results of the previous project Support of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection and continues the successful cooperation with all actors involved.
In cooperation with the partner countries of the global project framework conditions have been improved to implement effective environmental protection measures and green technologies.
The project develops technical and institutional know-how and implements activities in the partner countries and worldwide. The measures are embedded in the strategies of the target countries and support central environmental solutions, such as the circular economy, sustainable consumption and production, and environmentally friendly mobility.
The project implements measures to disseminate environmental knowledge, raise environmental awareness and develop expertise. It also offers technical advisory services for public and private sector actors, and pilots effective measures for a better protection of the environment. This lays the foundation for competitive and sustainable environmental infrastructures in the partner countries. It also contributes to environmental protection, resource efficiency and sustainable development – in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda – and a ‘green transformation’.
Last update: April 2023