Protecting the environment and climate with innovative technologies
Project description
Title: Global project: 'Support of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection'
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Country: Global and in the target countries: Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Thailand, Ukraine
Lead executing agency: Egypt: Ministry of Environment, Waste Management Regulatory Authority (WMRA)
India: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) and Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India; Jordan: Ministry of Environment (MoE); Malaysia: Economic Planning Unit, EPU (previously known as Ministry of Economic Affairs, MEA); Thailand: Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESRI); National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA); Ukraine: Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine (former Ministry of Regional Development, Housing and Municipal Econ-omy of Ukraine)
Overall term: 2019 to 2023

The central idea of the Export Initiative for Green Technologies is that innovation in the area of environmental protection and action on climate and the efficient use of resources offer considerable opportunities for growth. A progressive environmental policy is seen as a driver for innovation, training and green transformation. It offers competitive opportunities and at the same time has considerable potential to reduce negative impacts on the environment.
Promoting the use of innovative environmental and technologies that boost efficiency gains and carrying out market-preparation activities will create the necessary conditions to promote sustainable development. As a result, the introduction of these technologies will make an important contribution to protecting the environment and natural resources as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The project partner countries have a common challenge for the introduction of green technologies. They have inadequate political, legal and administrative frameworks, low technical capacities and their markets are poorly developed.
Selected partner countries of the Export Initiative have created favourable framework conditions for introducing modern environmental and climate protection technologies.

The global project implements these measures in the following seven countries: Jordan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Ukraine, India and Egypt but also in two global modules. Additional measures will be implemented as needed and according to the priorities of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).
The measures are implemented in collaboration with current bilateral projects of German technical cooperation. The staff deployed locally form the point of contact for other ongoing export initiative projects carried out by BMUV grant recipients in these countries. This promotes the regular exchange of information and experiences between the projects and creates synergies.
The supported activities are embedded in the strategies of the target countries. They contribute towards solving key environmental problems, such as poor waste management, air and water pollution or support infrastructures for sustainable urban development.
To this end, the supported projects and measures build up technical and institutional know-how, preparing and facilitating the introduction and use of environmental and climate protection technologies. The focus of the implemented measures is on knowledge transfer, environmental education and awareness raising, and building capacities as a contribution to build up a circular economy and to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs).
The project thereby creates specific framework conditions for a demand for innovative technologies and ensures that sustainable structures are in place. The use of green technologies is also promoted through pilot projects. The Export Initiative is thus complementary to the foreign trade promotion activities of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs (BMWi) and the development cooperation activities of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The Export Initiative focuses on knowledge and technology transfer, especially in the BMUV´s areas of expertise.

A Ukrainian-German city network was established, and a city competition was held with Ukrainian cities.
In a co-creative innovation process (Lab-of-Tomorrow #8) innovative business approaches for the reduction of plastic waste were developed for Thailand.
The legal framework for the introduction of a system of extended producer responsibility (EPR in Jordan) was created by the inclusion of a corresponding article in the Waste Management Act, and an industry-financed operator organisation was established in Jordan.
The energy efficiency of Jordanian wastewater treatment plants has been reduced by more than 25% through modern equipment and optimized operation. As a result, greenhouse emissions were reduced from 1.44 to 1.14 kg CO2 eq/m3.
Enhanced practices for sustainable organic waste management are being implemented in selected cities, in states, and at the national level.
Last update: February 2021