Promoting peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and economic opportunities in North Central Nigeria
PEACECORE – Strengthening Capacities for Conflict Transformation and Livelihood for Groups in Vulnerable Situations in Nigeria’s Central Zone
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Transitional Development Assistance Fund (TDA)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2027
Plateau Peace Building Agency (PPBA), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), HD Center (HDC)
Products and expertise
Security, reconstruction, peace

Plateau State in Central Nigeria has experienced violent conflicts between semi-nomadic herders and farmers over land disputes, resulting in over 15,000 deaths since 2010. These conflicts have intensified, destroying infrastructure, disrupting agriculture, and displacing thousands. In May 2023, violence in Mangu, Plateau State, caused over 300 mortalities and displaced more than 80,000 people.
Kaduna and Taraba States face similar challenges, with prolonged clashes leading to displacement, abandoned farmland, and disrupted services. The repeated violence has affected livelihoods and community resilience, while mistrust limits trust building efforts, and traditional conflict resolution is increasingly ineffective.
Peaceful coexistence between farmers and herders has improved, and livelihood security for women and individuals in vulnerable situations has been ensured.

The project focuses on conflict transformation, economic empowerment, and environmental management to promote peace and stability in Plateau, Kaduna and Taraba States. It adopts a participatory approach, ensuring locally driven and context-specific outcomes.
To achieve this, it implements three main measures:
- Supporting the Plateau Peace Building Agency (PPBA) to coordinate peace-building efforts within the state.
- Promoting coexistence and economic opportunities for cattle herders, farmers, Christians, Muslims, youth, elderly, women, and men in cooperation with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).
- Enhancing local and state peace infrastructures through training, knowledge-sharing, and coordination with the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Center).
Last update: February 2025