Migration in Niger: shifting the focus to development and human rights
Project description
Title: Migration Policy Advice Niger II
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Niger
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Planning
Overall term: 2020 to 2023

Niger is characterised by a large number of different migration phenomena covering all forms of voluntary and forced, regular and irregular migration. In particular, this includes internal and seasonal labour migration, mixed migration movements through Niger to Northern Africa and Europe, and voluntary and forced returnee movements such as displacement, internal displacement and human trafficking.
To regulate migration in Niger more effectively, make it more secure and tap its economic potential, the Government has adopted a national migration policy (PNM). It developed this policy in an integrative process with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Based on the international human rights conventions signed by Niger, the policy refers to the Global Compact for Migration (GCM), the Migration Policy Framework for Africa (MPFA) and the joint migration policy approach of the Economic Community of West African States.
In keeping with the national gender policy of 2017, the PNM accommodates the specific rights and needs of female and male migrants. It thus provides a framework for managing the risks and potential of migration in Niger in accordance with international goals and national strategies.
The Government of Niger is implementing its national migration policy in a participatory manner, tailored to target groups and based on human rights.

The project is supporting the government in implementing the national migration policy in the context of three fields of activity.
The first field of activity entails advising on the development and expansion of instruments for planning, steering and coordinating migration policy. Together with other German development cooperation projects, it promotes policy dialogue between the central government and regions with regard to migration issues.
The second field of activity comprises international and regional human rights standards for labour migration. The project is strengthening the role of labour inspectors to put them in a better position to protect the rights of labour migrants. It is also supporting civil society organisations in submitting an alternative ‘shadow report’ for the first time, documenting the implementation of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.
The third field of activity lays the foundations for drawing increased attention to the needs of relevant target groups in politics, especially those of women, internally displaced people and other disadvantaged groups. Using a participatory approach, the project is developing practical examples of measures. Studies draw attention to the circumstances of the target groups. In this way, civil society organisations are playing a role in implementing a migration policy based on human rights.
Last update: February 2021