Strengthening national police structures in Ghana

Project description

Title: Programm zum Aufbau und zur Stärkung polizeilicher Strukturen in ausgewählten Partnerländern in Afrika; Ländermaßnahme Ghana
Commissioned by: Auswärtiges Amt
Country: Ghana
Lead executing agency: Innenministerium
Overall term: 2019 bis 2022

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Since 2009, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been promoting police reform processes in Africa on behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office. The programme is currently implementing a total of 11 country and regional measures. All selected partner countries and regions exhibit characteristics of fragility to varying degrees.

Ghana has been undergoing a process of democratic stabilisation since the beginning of the 1990s. These positive developments are also increasingly reflected in the security authorities. However, cases of corruption and unprofessional behaviour among police officers repeatedly undermine the population’s trust in the police. In 2017, the government thus initiated an extensive and ambitious reform, aiming to establish a professional, citizen-oriented and neutral police service that sets an international example.


The Ghanaian police service is strengthened in the areas of initial and ongoing training, citizen orientation and accountability and thus promotes the security of citizens.

Der General Direktor der Abteilung für kriminalpolizeiliche Ermittlungen.


The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the national police service in Ghana in three areas: 

To begin with, the project is strengthening the capacities of the Ghanaian police service in the area of initial and ongoing training. To achieve this, it is revising existing curricula, developing new training modules and courses and providing training for trainers.

At the same time, the police service is to become more citizen-friendly and geared towards the population’s needs. To this end, the project is developing an extensive strategy and providing further training for responsible police officers. For example, it is drawing up procedure descriptions to standardise internal processes and make them more efficient and transparent. It is also compiling information materials to enable inclusive communication.

Finally, the project aims to improve the mechanism within the police service for dealing with complaints about police misconduct. Standardised procedures for this are being developed and implemented. The relevant divisions are given support with equipment where required. Getting the general public involved and establishing a dialogue with civil society stakeholders will help to improve the population’s trust in the police. The aim is for the national security authorities to be perceived as strong, transparent and legally compliant actors.


The implementation partners drew up the report on reform proposals for initial and ongoing training for police officers in a one-week workshop. During this time, 30 police officers from the complaints management unit received training in investigation methods that comply with human rights. Moreover, those involved agreed strategic priorities for strengthening citizen-oriented police work. 

Last update: January 2021

Teilnehmer*innen des Planungsworkshops zum Programmstart.


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