Promoting integrated agriculture and livestock farming, strengthening social cohesion
Project description
Title: Integrated agriculture and livestock farming in Gao, Ménaka and Mopti, Mali
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Mali
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Rural Development, Mali
Overall term: 2019 to 2024
Landlocked, lacking in resources and severely affected by climate change, Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world. Moreover, conflicts in the northern and the central parts of the country are further exacerbating the state’s already limited capacity. In these regions, the population primarily lives from agriculture and livestock farming. In this light, the precarious supply situation, agricultural production deficits and land use conflicts between settled farmers and nomadic livestock herders pose enormous challenges.
In certain areas of the Gao, Ménaka and Mopti regions, pastoral and agro-pastoral households are more resilient to socio-economic crises.

The project has set out five areas of action to improve the livelihoods of populations who rely on agriculture and livestock farming in the medium term:
Through its activities the project contributes to improving the water supply and the provision of relevant services for animal health, such as vaccinations. It also trains livestock herders in climate- and soil-friendly pastoral and livestock farming practices.
The project supports efforts to make existing water sources usable for agriculture and livestock farming as well as accessible to the local population in a manner which conserves resources and is socially equitable. In addition, the project provides high-quality and environmentally-sound equipment and advisory services.
At the same time, the project promotes local stakeholders and existing mechanisms that strengthen social cohesion and contribute to preventing and managing land use conflicts between population groups.
The project supports the establishment of a local, crisis-sensitive social safety net in order to counteract life-threatening losses or harmful adaptation mechanisms in the event of severe crises, such as extreme natural events.
Furthermore, the project assists healthcare centres in expanding their offer of humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services.
Last update: April 2023