Supporting dual technical and vocational education and training in Morocco
Project description
Title: Support for the implementation of cooperative vocational training – Tamheen II
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Devel-opment (BMZ)
Country: Morocco
Lead executing agency: Ministère de l’Inclusion économique, de la Petite entreprise, de l’Emploi et des Compétences / Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills (MIEPEEC), Département de la Formation Professionnelle / Department of Vocational Training (DFP)
Overall term: 2022 to 2026

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills (MIEPEEC) and its Department of Vocational Training (DFP) as well as other public and private partners, is implementing the Tamheen II project from June 2022 to May 2026.
It builds directly on the achievements of the previous project (Tamheen I, 2018-2022), which was active in the logistics and information and communication technology (ICT) sectors in four regions of Morocco. The project provided dual vocational training to 250 young people in 100 companies. Its other achievements include the development of a quality assurance system, the promotion of public-private dialogue, bringing FPMT (formation professionnelle en milieu de travail; englisch: training on the job) expertise into companies and associations, as well as providing innovative career guidance formats for young girls focusing on the ITC sector.

The Tamheen II project is increasing youth and women employability in Morocco by developing, implementing and consolidating new approaches to cooperative vocational training.
The project works closely with the private sector to develop cooperative/dual vocational training (FPMT) offerings. It favours the practical FPMT approach over the largely theoretical school-based education, which ill-prepares young graduates for professional life. In addition to combatting persistently high levels of youth unemployment by increasing the employability of young people, it seeks to improve the economic integration of women to further advance Morocco's economic development.
The project focuses are:
- the management, governance and implementation of cooperative vocational training;
- accompanying vocation training measures to improve soft and green skills; and
- career guidance in ICT for young girls to reduce the gender digital divide.
International best practices and successful worldwide approaches ease the school-vocational training-work transition.
Last update: October 2022