Climate and resource protection through circular economy in Jordan
Project description
Title: Climate and resource protection through circular economy in Jordan
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Jordan
Lead executing agency: Greater Amman Municipality (GAM)
Overall term: 2017 to 2021

Almost 40 per cent of the total population of Jordan lives in the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM). Additionally, the Greater Amman Municipality is home to around one third of all Syrian nationals registered in Jordan. The sharp rise in population is coupled with accelerated waste generation, placing considerable pressure on the waste management systems within the country, particularly in Amman. Virtually all the waste collected in Amman is deposited at the Al Ghabawi sanitary landfill without any kind of processing. Currently, less than three per cent of recyclables are recovered mainly through informal economy. The Greater Amman Municipality is aware of the problem, however, their personnel lack the practical expertise and the resources to drive the required modernisation of the waste sector in order to mitigate climate change, particularly in the separation and treatment of recyclables.
The conditions for the implementation of a circular economy that protects the climate and conserves resources are created in the Greater Amman Municipality.
The project supports the goals of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy and the strategic waste plan for GAM, and lays the foundation for a circular economy in Jordan.
The project focuses on separation and treatment of recyclables and organic material, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
The intervention area “circular economy in the solid waste management sector” aims to improve the separated collection and treatment of recyclables and organic material within GAM. Thus, in three selected pilot areas, different models of separate collection and options for treatment are tested. Based on the experiences, gaps in the legal and regulatory framework are to be defined with the partners.
Simultaneously, different approaches to the climate-friendly utilisation of recyclables in the waste cycle system of GAM are tested. Based on market analysis, potential customers for recyclables are identified, conditions and processes of existing treatment plants for recyclables are verified, and necessary improvements are determined. If required, support to improve operational processes and to rehabilitate defect facilities will be provided.
Furthermore, the project focuses on elaborating a concept for a “national in-service training programme” in the areas of waste management and the circular economy. Organisational, financial, and steering aspects will be developed as well as curricula.
The project cooperates closely with other Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH waste projects in Jordan as well as with national and international implementing organisations and donors, particularly with Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
In two residential and in one commercial pilot area in the GAM, several options for the separate collection of recyclables in a circular economy are tested. Based on the experiences from the pilot tests, an upscaling concept for implementation of separate collection in the GAM is developed.
Approaches for the treatment and recovery of recyclables and organic material for climate protection are tested in the GAM’s circular economy. A concept for improved treatment and recovery of recyclables is coordinated with the private sector.
A concept for establishing a national in-service training programme in the areas of waste management and the circular economy is developed. This concept addresses managerial, administrative, and financial aspects, promotes women’s participation and is coordinated with the relevant stakeholders. Additional curricula for training and skills development for specific target groups are prepared and tested.