Successful in Senegal
Project description
Title: Successful in Senegal
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Country: Senegal
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Vocational Training, Apprenticeship and Job Placement (MFPAI)
Overall term: 2017 to 2025

More than 75 per cent of Senegal’s population is younger than 35. The high rates of unemployment, underemployment and informal employment in this age group, especially among women and in rural areas, pose major challenges. Lack of professional direction and qualifications limit the prospects open to young people. In their search for a future, some young people move to the cities or emigrate. This is why creating employment and income prospects is a key challenge for Senegalese society and the state.
Young adults aged 15 to 35 have improved employment and income prospects.
Together with the Ministry of Vocational Training, Apprenticeship and Job Placement (MFPAI), the project supports young people in their integration into the labour market and promotes entrepreneurship. Training measures are offered through cooperation with GFA Consulting Group GmbH, public educational institutions and chambers of industry. This enables participants to enter into gainful employment.
As access to formal employment outside the big cities is limited, the project supports young people in starting and growing their own businesses. Initiatives in the cultural and creative industries are supported so that professionals can benefit from the growing interest in products ‘Made in Senegal’.
The project’s network of regional offices enables coordinated activities with local authorities, civil society and private companies. Government institutions receive support for setting up and developing services to facilitate entering the job market and setting up new businesses.
Dialogue and communication campaigns also showcase future prospects to young people in Senegal as alternatives to migration.
Last update: Mai 2023