Developing TVET in ASEAN member states to meet the requirements of a changing world of work
Project description
Title: Regional Cooperation for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (RECOTVET III)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Countries: Viet Nam (programme headquarters) and other ASEAN member states
Overall term: 2020 to 2024

The ASEAN member states have experienced dynamic economic growth in recent years. This trend has recently been disrupted in many states by the economic crisis following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Progress in digitalisation and automation of manufacturing and other sectors have brought about important changes in work processes and labour market requirements in the region. To leverage the opportunities of technological change and mitigate risks, local economies require a well-trained workforce capable of performing more complex tasks with greater autonomy.
TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) is widely recognised as an important element in strategies to equip workers with skills that meet labour-market demands, to integrate young people into the labour market and to reduce youth unemployment. Accordingly, TVET ranks high on the political agenda of ASEAN member states.
The contribution that TVET makes to lifelong learning, as well as re/upskilling in line with changing labour market demands has recently been stressed by the ASEAN Declaration on Human Resources Development for the Changing World of Work adopted by ASEAN heads of state in 2020.
TVET systems in the ASEAN region are improved and adjusted to the requirements of digitalisation.
RECOTVET works with AMS to improve their TVET systems through participatory learning and cooperation processes at regional level. This includes pilot implementations that work together with bilateral German TVET development projects in various countries of the region. The five priority areas are:
- Policy advice
- Labour market information
- New competences to meet the demands of digitalisation in TVET
- (Re-)qualification opportunities for women
- Promotion of private sector participation in TVET
Last update: August 2021