Dealing with waste more effectively
Project description
Title: Support to refugee-hosting communities in waste management
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Jordan
Lead executing agency: Jordanian Ministry of Local Administration
Overall term: 2017 to 2021

The Syrian refugee crisis is a major challenge for Jordan. More than 80 per cent of registered refugees are living outside refugee camps. This has led to increasing numbers of inhabitants in many communities and consequently to larger amounts of waste. Municipal waste collection services are becoming more and more overburdened with the task of collecting the waste. The Jordanian Government is attempting to bring the most urgent problems under control with the help of the National Waste Strategy, which was drawn up in 2015. The Ministry of Local Administration (MoLA) is responsible for monitoring and controlling municipalities’ waste management systems. However, MoLA does not have the capacity to keep up with the increased demands.
More effective waste management processes have improved living conditions in the refugee-hosting communities. At the same time, environmentally harmful effects are being reduced.

The project is building on the work of a previous project and is supporting five cities and the Ministry of Local Administration.
In the cities of Irbid, Ramtha, Mafraq, Russeifa and Karak, the project has improved urban waste management systems. The waste collection services in the cities have been supported in planning routes and collecting fees, and also with management tasks. Municipal repair shops have received equipment and spare parts, car mechanics have been trained and maintenance plans introduced. These measures have improved waste collection processes and have helped cover costs. The project is also preparing further improvements, particularly in the fields of separate collection, recycling and commercial waste, by developing municipal waste management plans.
The Ministry of Local Administration has assumed a relatively new task in controlling and monitoring municipal waste management processes. It is receiving support to assist in setting up a waste management department. The project is providing advice on institutional and organisational structure, and on how to provide training and further training for staff. The project is also supporting MoLA in implementing the national waste strategy.
Waste and fee collection management in the five supported cities has improved. Waste collection vehicles are better maintained, which increases the operational readiness of the vehicles and hence improves efficiency in the waste collection process. The Ministry of Local Administration is able to carry out more and more waste management tasks. It advises and supports the municipalities with management tasks and in implementing regulations. As a result, waste management in the municipalities has improved.