Fund for regulatory and policy advice in Morocco
Project description
Project title: Fund for regulatory and policy advice in Morocco
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Morocco
Lead executing agency: Services of the Head of Government
Overall term: 2018 to 2023

Morocco has initiated a number of ambitious reforms since the new Moroccan Constitution was adopted in 2011. Moroccan society is increasingly developing a sense of citizenship and is becoming consistently more aware of the importance of having a lawful state with a transparent, impartial, and efficient judicial system.
In order to help develop stronger institutions and for the reform process to function properly, these institutions—as well as other public sector entities—need active support. Efforts have already been made in the way reform projects are designed and managed. It is of utmost importance that these efforts be pushed further, while continuously introducing innovative project management approaches to increase flexibility and efficiency.
The Fund for regulatory and policy advice in Morocco has promoted innovative initiatives to improve public services and make them more citizen-oriented.
Since 2011, the Fund for regulatory and policy advice in Morocco has achieved a great measure of success in assisting Moroccan institutions. The project has covered a wide range of social and economic reforms, including topics such as improving the business climate, accessibility of administration, promotion of data protection, and migrant integration.
In its current phase, the Fund for regulatory and policy advice in Morocco is implemented in close cooperation with the Services of the Head of Government. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports several different projects, which are proposed by a number of public institutions. These projects aim to put the Moroccan citizen at the very heart of the reform process. The Fund supports its partners in further developing capabilities to offer more transparent public services, to communicate better about reforms that are undertaken, and to better manage these reforms.
The Fund for regulatory and policy advice in Morocco is an innovative tool, with a focus on flexibility and speed - adapting to its partners’ specific needs is a particular strength of the project. At the start of a new phase of the project, ministries and other public institutions are asked to propose projects which the Fund can support. Its Steering Committee then shortlists proposals which align with government priorities and the Fund’s goals and have potential for scaling and for the integration of innovative approaches.
Moreover, it provides technical and financial assistance to the shortlisted projects during their implementation. The support offered can take place at different steps of the projects, such as fine-tuning of the project design, communicating to specific target groups, exchanging knowledge and experience with others, or networking with national and international institutions. The Services of the Head of Government ensure that the projects are aligned with the government’s priorities and are responsible for project concertation and communication at the national level.
The Fund for regulatory and policy advice in Morocco currently supports projects led by four public institutions:
1. ANLCA: the national agency fighting illiteracy.
2. ONDE: the national observatory for children’s rights.
3. OFPPT: a public institution offering professional development education.
4. APDN: a government body incentivising and promoting the economic development of northern Morocco.
- Producing a TV series made up of 30 literacy courses, to reach a wide (and younger) audience.
- Supporting the agency in better realising its mission at the regional level, and in offering educational services to the approximately 8.6 million illiterate people in Morocco; e.g. with the training of 72 newly installed regional directors and delegates of the agency.
- Improving access to data and analysis on the lives of children in Morocco for ministries, civil society, and Moroccan citizens.
- Contributing at the global level to the implementation of the International Convention on Children’s Rights.
- Developing four new training disciplines in the field of caregiving, to be offered to the public.
- Over 60 per cent of young people undergoing training gain better access to the labour market.
- Assisting vulnerable individuals in improving their living conditions, and their access to care.
- Managing project data more efficiently and transparently, with the help of a tailored information system.
- Granting citizens better access to APDN project data in their respective geographical areas.