Promoting gender equality in Bolivia
Promoting gender equality in Bolivia (ProIgualdad)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2024 to 2027
Vice-Ministry for Equal Opportunities (VIO), Plurinational Service for Women and Depatriarchalisation (SEPMUD), Ministry of Education and its departments, Ministry of Labour (MTEPS), Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy, Ombudsman’s Office for human rights (DP), intersectoral organisation of female workers, Service for the Development of Productive Public Companies (SEDEM), selected public and private companies, chambers of industry and commerce, business associations and universities
Products and expertise
Social development

In Bolivia, structural and societal hurdles stand in the way of gender equality and LGBTIQA+ rights (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter*, queer and asexual people). Women earn a third less than their male colleagues. In 2023, 81 women were victims of femicide. Since the law against racism and discrimination was enacted in 2010, only one sentence has been handed down for violating the rights of LGBTIQA+ people. Despite the legislation in force, complaints are not acted upon. LGBTQIA+ individuals face prejudice from law enforcement officers, have limited access to public services and formal employment, and are restricted from participating fully in social life. The media represent women, men and LGBTIQA+ people in stereotypical ways.
Although there are laws against discrimination and for the protection of women and LGBTIQA+ people, better enforcement is needed.

Leaders in education, business and the media are doing more to promote gender equality and LGBTIQA+ rights.
The project has three priority areas:
- It incorporates piloted and validated gender-sensitive educational methods into the curricula used by the education authorities in La Paz, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba.
- It increases the scope of the quality seal for companies that prevent violence against women, which was developed by the predecessor project, to include additional criteria of gender equality and LGBTIQA+ rights.
- It works with media professionals to develop and disseminate media and communication products on gender equality and the rights of LGBTIQA+ people.

Last updated: February 2025