Promoting practice-oriented vocational training for industrial and environmental safety
Professional Education in Industrial and Environmental Safety
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2025 to 2029
Products and expertise
Economic Development and Employment
Industrial and environmental safety are crucial preconditions for a sustainable economy in Bangladesh. So far, there has been a lack of needs-based basic and advanced training courses.
Greater cooperation is required between the Ministry of Education and the Ministries of Labour and Employment, Industries, and Environment, as well as with the private sector, to develop an overall strategy for collaborative training courses in industrial and environmental safety.
At the same time, vocational training institutions need methodological support to develop and adapt basic and advanced courses in green professions, such as specialist courses in occupational safety, environmental and wastewater engineering or ecomechatronics.
It is often difficult for disadvantaged groups, girls and women in particular to make the transition from training to employment. Specific support from programmes offering career guidance, advice and mentoring is required.
Bangladesh offers a broad range of practice-oriented and needs-based basic and advanced training courses in industrial and environmental safety which are geared to the sustainability requirements of the European Union (EU).
The project conducts eight basic and advanced training courses in industrial and environmental safety in selected training institutions.
At the same time, it improves the networking skills of the Ministry of Education and subordinate public authorities. This enables greater cooperation and coordination between vocational training institutions and industry. To achieve this, the project sets up working groups between the ministries and companies and trains employees in specific areas.
In addition, the project supports women and disadvantaged groups in their transition from vocational training to employment. To do so, it provides needs-based career advice.
Last update: February 2025