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Context-specific risk management in Somalia

Risk Management Office in Somalia

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  • Client

    Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Runtime

    2021 to 2025

  • Products and expertise

    Security, reconstruction and peace


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been working in Somalia since 1964. The projects and programmes are managed from GIZ’s country office in Kenya. The Risk Management Office (RMO) Somalia is an individual project that is not linked to a Development Cooperation programme or sector. The project was commissioned in March 2021 with the aim to improve the framework conditions in order to minimise security risks to GIZ staff, consultants and project implementation. As such, RMO Somalia supports the delivery of projects implemented across Somalia, and was extended to support portfolio expansion in a long-term sustainable manner, with an emphasis on establishing a framework to support implementation in high-risk areas.


The framework conditions for development cooperation in Somalia are improved, minimising security risks for GIZ staff and other consultants in the country.


The project works to

  1. Ensure the availability of security-relevant information and advisory services for all projects and decision-makers within GIZ.
  2. Adapt a business trip management system to the security context of the intervention areas.
  3. Implement an emergency and crisis management system that takes the specific context in Somalia into consideration.
  4. Improve physical security and protection capabilities in high-risk regions of assignment.

Last update: November 2024