Advancing Albania’s resilience to climate change
ALBAdapt - Programme for Climate Resilient Urban Development in Albania
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Albanian Government, Green Climate Fund (GCF), Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), and State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Political sponsors
2024 to 2030
National Civil Protection Agency (NCPA), Institute of Geoscience (IGEO), Meteorological Military Services (MMS), Albcontrol, Water Resources Management Agency (AMBU), Albanian Power Corporation (KESH), Municipal actors (LGUs)
Products and expertise
Climate, environment, management of natural resources

Climate change is a global challenge that threatens the wellbeing of modern society. Albania is one of Europe’s most vulnerable countries to climate-induced extreme weather events. Each year, floods cause damages of up to 30 million euros and affect 50,000 people. To address these challenges, Albania must interpret complex climate data to help the citizens prepare for the inevitable impacts. Notably, the coastal belt, which is home to half of Albania’s population and contributes one third of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), faces significant risks. However, with target efforts, this region has the potential to transform into a model for climate resilience.

Albania is managing climate risks through improved climate information, a functioning multi-hazard early warning system, and climate-informed investments.
The programme, supported by the Government of Albania, the Green Climate Fund, the German Government, and the Swiss Government, adopts a comprehensive approach to enhance climate resilience with actions nationally and locally.
National efforts:
- Enhancing foundational elements of climate resilience, including the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service, the National Framework for Climate Services, and a multi-hazard early warning system.
- Deploying a digital platform under the National Climate Information Services to enable climate-informed decision-making.
Local efforts:
- Implementing Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction measures in coastal areas.
- Empowering communities to take early actions against climate risks.
- Promoting climate-resilient investments in vulnerable regions.
Last update: February 2025