Pipeline for transporting green hydrogen © Viks_jin / stock.adobe.com

Promoting renewable energy and green hydrogen

Green energy and hydrogen in Morocco

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2025 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport


In the last ten years, Morocco has made significant progress towards a successful energy transition and has set itself ambitious goals. Conditions in the country are favourable for the use of solar and wind energy and for the production of green hydrogen. Yet Morocco is not realising its full potential. Private investors cannot always rely on a conducive framework for investment. In addition, the innovative technologies and core competencies required for research and training are not yet sufficiently developed.


The institutional, legal and technical frameworks for the expansion of renewable energy and production of green hydrogen are improved.


The project supports Morocco in its energy transition. It helps public institutions in Rabat and in the pilot region of Guelmim Oued Noun in shaping sustainable structures and processes that also attract private investment. Decision-makers in the pilot region are advised on the steps involved in participatory planning and investment approval and on creating gender-sensitive value chains. The project thus contributes to the socio-economic and sustainable implementation of investment projects in the long term, in addition to promoting the development of skills required for innovative technologies. Moroccan research institutes, universities and technical institutes are supported in overcoming the growing complexity and in fine-tuning training programmes.

The project also advises decision-makers on how they can align energy planning more closely with the country’s climate targets. By using data-based instruments, the project contributes to the digital transformation.

As at:October 2024

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