A person operates a grinder in a workshop and sparks are coming out of it. © GIZ

Empowering Women through Skills Development

Skills Training and Employment Promotion for Women Workers in Bangladesh (ADVANTAGE)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2024 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment


Bangladesh has experienced economic growth over the past decade, yet poverty persists due to significant labour market challenges. Informal and low-income employment dominate, while formalised, decent work remains limited. Moreover, workers often lack necessary skills, which is due to deficit in access to and quality of skills development – especially for women. Gender inequality further exacerbates the mismatch between skills and labour market needs, hindering women to participate in the world of work.

A woman operates a machine, with her reflection visible on the machine’s surface. © GIZ/Ashraful Huda

In particular, women face significant structural barriers to participate in the income generation workforce. Compared to men they are less likely to benefit from skills training or secure employment. These disparities are rooted in structural challenges, including gender stereotypes, limited networks, occupational inequality, caregiving burdens and restrictive social norms. Additionally, the absence of supportive gender policies and infrastructure deepens these challenges. Expanding women’s participation in skills development measures and employment opportunities is essential to reducing these disparities and fostering the country’s economic and social progress.


Selected elements of the skill development system in Bangladesh are geared more towards the needs of young, disadvantaged women to improve access to short-term trainings to qualify them for employment.

A woman wearing blue protective glasses stands behind a machine. © GIZ/Ashraful Hudda


The project builds capacities of skills training providers to implement gender responsive and labour market-oriented trainings. In addition, it focusses on women empowerment, promotes gender transformation and awareness on gender equality. Its actions include:

  • Gender-responsive training frameworks: With the National Skill Development Authority (NSDA), the project develops inclusive gender responsive and transformative strategies, innovative approaches and practical guidelines for skills training.
  • Awareness raising: The project partners with local civil society organisations to create awareness for gender equality and toward changing stereotypes regarding skills and promoting equal opportunities for women in the labour market.
  • Diverse cooperations: The project works with selected state skills development training institutions in the greater Dhaka area, specialist ministries, private sector representatives, non-governmental organisations, and international partners.


A woman wearing a yellow helmet marks a material for cutting, surrounded by other workers.© GIZ/Ashraful Huda

Last update: December 2024

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