Promoting equal access to green jobs
Indo German Green Skills Programme (IGGSP)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2024 to 2026
TERI – The Energy and Resources Institute, Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik IEE, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay – IITB, WRI India
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

The shift towards a greener, more eco-friendly economy creates opportunities for economic growth and environmental protection. However, it also highlights the need for equitable access to skills development and green jobs. Addressing the gender gap in green skills is essential. This approach ensures that women, men, and people from marginalised groups can equally participate in and benefit from the green economy.
In India, focusing on gender equality within technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and expanding access to green jobs can play an important role in addressing poverty, climate change, and natural resource depletion. This focus, however, presents both challenges and opportunities, particularly in emerging fields like electric vehicles (EV) and solar energy, which are traditionally male-dominated.
Vocational education and training as well as employment opportunities in selected green occupations have been improved, especially for women.

The project addresses gender disparity challenges in TVET within green occupations. To achieve its objectives, the project takes a three-pronged approach:
- Promoting gender-equitable education and training programmes: The project adapts vocational training materials, provides tailored orientation and career guidance for girls and women, and adjusts apprenticeship as well as practical phases in companies.
- Improving structural conditions: The project addresses barriers that limit access to TVET for women and girls, including issues related to workplace safety, transportation, and childcare. Additionally, it conducts international benchmarking to facilitate peer learning between India and other countries.
- Standardising curricula for international mobility: In collaboration with the Indian Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, the project works on aligning training curricula with German and international standards. This measure supports Indian training institutions in providing consistent, internationally recognised qualifications.

Last update: December 2024